Netanyahu Presents Plan for ‘The Day After Hamas’ in Gaza
Joel B. Pollak 22 Feb 2024
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented his plan for “the day after” Hamas is defeated in Gaza to his Cabinet on Thursday, calling for local officials without links to terrorism to run the government, and Israel to exercise military control.
Shaiel Ben-Ephraim
With the day after possibly a few days away, Netanyahu has finally released his plan. Here is a full translation:
In the immediate term:
*It is an absolutely essential condition that the IDF continue to fight until it has reached all of its goals, the destruction of Hams and Islamic Jihad in terms of military, infrastructure, and governance capabilities, the return of the hostages, and the prevention of a threat from Gaza for the long term.
In the longer term:
The security sector:
1) Israel will maintain its operational freedom in Gaza, without a time limit, to prevent the renewal of terrorism and prevent threats from Gaza.
2) The security perimeter in Gaza on the border with Israel will remain as long as there is a security need for it.
3) Israel will close the Egypt_Gaza border in order to stop the rearmament of terror groups in Gaza. The border will be closed, as much as possible, in cooperation with the US and Egypt, and will be based on efforts to prevent arms smuggling above and below ground, including in Rafah.
4) Israel will militarily control all areas to the west of the Jordan River, including the Gaza envelope (land, air, sea, spectrum), to stop the rearmament and strengthening of terror organizations in Judea and Samaria and Gaza, to prevent threats emanating from them towards Israel.
5) There will be total disarmament of Gaza, aside from what is needed for civil order. The responsibility for guaranteeing this will fall to Israel.
In the civil sector:
1) As much as possible, the civil administration and public order will fall to local actors with administrative experience. These local actors will not be identified with states or organizations supporting terror and will not be paid by them.
2) A plan for deradicalization will be advanced in all religious, educational, and welfare institutions in Gaza. All this will be done through cooperation with Arab states with experience in deradicalization in their territory.
3) Israel will act to close UNRWA, whose workers were involved in the October 7 massacre and whose schools encouraged the destruction of Israel. They will be replaced with responsible international welfare institutions.
4) Rebuilding Gaza will only be allowed after the demilitarization has been completed and when the radicalization has begun. The rebuilding plan will be financed and led by states acceptable to Israel.
In the long term:
Basic criteria for a future peaceful settlement.
* Israel rejects out-of-hand unilateral demands on a future settlement with the Palestinians. The terms will be decided through direct negotiations without preconditions.
* Israel will continue to oppose a unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. A recognition of this sort will offer a massive and unprecedented prize for the terrorism perpetrated on October 7 and will prevent any peaceful resolution of the conflict.