Author Topic: Second Amendment advocates celebrate Alaska Gov. Dunleavy signing gun store law: 'A protective shiel  (Read 1326 times)

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Second Amendment advocates celebrate Alaska Gov. Dunleavy signing gun store law: 'A protective shield'

Alaska Republican Gov. Mike Dunleavy on Saturday signed into law a measure that seeks to block state and local officials from closing gun stores during disasters declared by the governor, unless such closures apply to all other businesses.

Regarded as a win for Second Amendment supporters and Alaska residents, House Bill 61 — which was championed by Republican House Speaker Cathy Tilton and backed by the NRA — came in response to business closures in Alaska and other states during the coronavirus pandemic and protects a plethora of firearm businesses throughout the state.

"Today is a remarkable day for Alaskans, NRA members, and Second Amendment advocates," Aoibheann Cline, the NRA Alaska State Director, told Fox News Digital in a statement. "A decade has passed since the last major pro-Second Amendment legislation, House Bill 24, was signed into law on April 11, 2013, reinforcing our 'Stand Your Ground' rights. Now, with the NRA-backed House Bill 61, championed by Speaker Cathy Tilton, we witness another significant milestone."........
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