Author Topic: Missouri sheriff says even under 'threat of arrest' he will not release gun owners' info to FBI  (Read 636 times)

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 July 19, 2022 3:19pm EDT
Missouri sheriff says even under 'threat of arrest' he will not release gun owners' info to FBI
‘I will go down with the ship if need be,' the sheriff says
By Emma Colton | Fox News

Missouri officials are slamming a planned FBI audit of various sheriff’s offices in the state, saying the audit is an attempt "to illegally obtain" information on concealed carry permit holders. One sheriff, in particular, said that even under a threat of federal arrest, he will not comply and release the concealed carry information.

"As the sheriff of Scotland County, I want all my citizens to know that I will not allow, cooperate or release any CCW information to the FBI, ‘even at the threat of a federal arrest,’" Republican Scotland County Sheriff Bryan Whitney wrote to residents of his community on Monday.

"Point Blank, ‘I will go down with the ship if need be,’" the letter, which was reviewed by Fox News Digital on Tuesday, said.

Whitney said he was prompted to send the letter to his community in northeastern Missouri after he was alerted to the FBI audit set to be carried out in 24 counties in Missouri next month. It’s unclear which counties will be included in the audit.


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Scotland is only a couple of counties away from me. Very conservative area.

Glad he is standing up. Hopefully the Gov will back him up.
The Republic is lost.

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There are sheriffs (sheriff departments) around the country that have vowed and signed letters stating that they will uphold the 2A.

I am glad to see this MO sheriff doing just that. 

We have a very rough road ahead of us and 'we the people' need all the help that we can get.

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