It is very difficult to make an accurate prediction of the path of a hurricane in advance; mother nature can turn in a second. Many times we packed up and ventured out to avoid a hurricane only to find out it was for nothing. We've also stayed behind as we were told we weren't in the 'cone' only to have a hurricane hit us square on.
Meteorologists get vital upgrade just in time for 2022 hurricane seasonThe official start of Atlantic Hurricane Season is less than six weeks away, and forecasters will be getting an essential upgrade just in time for the season to begin.
New technology from the University of Wisconsin will help with preparation of more detailed forecasts and provide more reliable information to meteorologists and emergency planners, which should ultimately result in better, safer outcomes for public safety.
The Advanced Dvorak Technique (ADT) is a satellite-based method for determining tropical cyclone intensity. Planned upgrades include the use of full-resolution images from weather satellites, better identification of the location of each storm's eye and the ability to better analyze hurricanes occurring outside tropical regions.
Developed by researchers at the University of Wisconsin--Madison Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), the ADT provides an indication of how a storm might strengthen, especially one approaching populated coastal areas.
Both 2020 and 2021 were very active Atlantic hurricane seasons, and if this year proves to be anything like the last two, the upgrades will be welcomed...............