Democrats To Gays And Blacks: Know Your Place
Derek Hunter
Posted: Oct 28, 2021 12:01 AM
Democrats love nothing more than loyalty, and by that I mean loyalty to them. They don’t return it, ever. You are either with them or you are their enemy. They can pretend to be Jerry Maguire – “I love black people!!!” – all they want, when the chips are down and someone with black skin disobeys them it is all out war. Same goes for gay people.
Remember Touré? Probably not. Even when he had a job where he could have achieved some level of respect and notoriety, he didn’t. Rather than accomplish things, Touré chose to spend his time on MSNBC whining about how he’s a victim of racism and how racism is everywhere and in everything. They tried desperately to package him in a way that would attract an audience, but no one cared and no one watched. In many ways, he was ahead of his time at MSNBC, which has devolved into nothing more than fake grievances aired by wealthy, overpaid and untalented “victims.” The network is a testament to the greatness of capitalism – the people like them could become wealthy…only in a free society would people providing nothing of value gain so much.
Now Touré scrambles around the country writing books no one reads and doing the bidding of the Democratic Party anyway he can. He has a special interest in two areas: whining about imagined racism and working to keep in line any black person who dare stray from what the liberal establishment has deemed acceptable behavior and thought.