Author Topic: Below the Radar: The MASS Act  (Read 443 times)

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Below the Radar: The MASS Act
« on: August 17, 2021, 01:28:23 pm »
 Ammoland Inc. Posted on August 16, 2021 by Harold Hutchison

This legislation, with the bill numbers S 2325 and HR 4238 for the Senate and House version respectively (see earlier coverage of the types of legislation Second Amendment supporters will deal with at the federal level), promises to bring safety and security by bribing states to implement gun licensing schemes. The fact is, licensing schemes don’t work. Maryland has passed a handgun licensing scheme, but Baltimore is still one of the cities with a high murder rate.

But the fact is the two whoppers (with apologies to the delicious Burger King menu item) that this bill sells is not the worst part. When you check out the text of the legislation, you’ll see that one of the criteria for a state licensing scheme to qualify for one of those grants is “other factors relevant to the suitability of a license holder” with “suitable” person defined as someone who “does not create a risk to public safety.”

What does create a risk to public safety? Well, the proposed legislation does not say. That’s not all that is vague in this legislation. There’s a lot more room for some bureaucrat to deny a license through delay – since no timeframe for approval is in this legislation. This is how you get a tragedy like what happened to Carol Bowne in New Jersey. Not that her safety or security – or that of others facing real threats to their safety and security – matter to Markey and Pressley.
