Author Topic: 9th Circuit Reinstates Lawsuit Challenging California Board Room Gender Quota Law  (Read 392 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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Legal Insurrection by William A. Jacobson June 23, 2021

Finds that shareholder of corporation has standing to sue: “because [the shareholder] has plausibly alleged that SB 826 requires or encourages him to discriminate on the basis of sex, he has adequately alleged that he has standing to challenge SB 826’s constitutionality”

Califoria leads the way in trying to legislate how private entities have to conduct business in order for the state to achieve the “diversity” it wants in the private workplace.

There were laws that prohibit discrimination and require equal opportunity, but there were no laws preexisting outcomes by race or sex. Until California passed a law with gender diversity mandates for private corporate boards of directors.

The law had the intended impact:

    The California law requiring a minimum number of women on public company boards has decimated the number of all-male boards since it passed in 2018, new data from the California Partners Project shows.

    Two years ago, 180 of the 650 public companies in California that are subject to Senate Bill 826 had zero women on their boards. That number has since shrunk to just 15, or 2.3% of company boards.

    Notably, only two companies in California — San Francisco-based Gap Inc. and Oakland-based e.l.f. Cosmetics — have five or more women on their boards, according to the project, a state initiative founded by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, the wife of Gov. Gavin Newsom.
