Author Topic: Below The Radar – Gun Safety: Not Sorry Act  (Read 396 times)

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Below The Radar – Gun Safety: Not Sorry Act
« on: February 21, 2021, 01:10:59 am »
 Ammoland by Harold Hutchison February 19, 2021

Representative Sheila Jackson Lee has not been a friend of law-abiding gun owners – or anyone who values the Second Amendment. If anything, she has been very active, and has introduced some of the most onerous proposals we have seen. But like Dianne Feinstein in the last Congress, she is not averse to more modest bills to unjustly punish those who seek to exercise their Second Amendment rights for horrific acts they did not commit.

In this case, her fallback is HR 125, the Gun Safety: Not Sorry Act. Rather than a sweeping licensing and registration scheme that is deeply intrusive, it instead imposes a one-week waiting period for any semiautomatic firearm, many standard magazines (like those for a Glock 17), suppressors, and “armor-piercing ammo.”

Now, we’ve discussed the waiting period scam before. Put your thoughts about the tactics used to limit the damage done by the Brady Act in 1993 aside. Suffice it to say, when the national instant background check system (NICS) is up and running, there is no justification for a waiting period. If a person is not prohibited, they should be able to take their purchase home with them the moment NICS reports it is a legal transaction.
