Wisconsin Refuses to Initiate Statewide Recount Unless Trump Campaign Hands Over $7.9 Million
By Ryan Ledendecker
Published November 18, 2020 at 5:49am
Among countless other litigation-related decisions surrounding the outcome of the 2020 election, President Donald Trump is now forced to weigh whether or not he’s willing to spend vast amounts of money for official recounts in states that he lost by narrow margins to former Vice President Joe Biden.
According to the Daily Wire, one of those states is Wisconsin, where Trump lost to Biden by a narrow six-tenths of a point. Because of the thin margins, Trump is entitled to request an official state recount, but only if he’s willing to shell out a whopping $7.9 million to cover the costs of such a herculean effort.
The Wisconsin Elections Commission broke the news to the president this week, informing him that recounts are provided free of charge if the margin between winning and losing falls at 0.25 percent or less. Anything higher than that margin requires the person requesting the recount to fork out the money to cover it.
Adding to the president’s decision is the fact that the WEC informed Trump and his legal team that they only have until close of business this Wednesday to order the recount. If Trump’s team moves forward with it, the state would be forced to act quickly and finish the recount by December 1.