Hey perfesser, what about you, now, here?
Biden or Trump?
Pelosi or McCarthy?
Shumer or McConnell
Fair enough.
Principled conservatism is/was never dependent on economics, politics or religion.
Created in Ancient Greece and articulated by Plato, it is a body of unchanging precepts,
derived from the Natural Law, governing Man's conduct, through his attitudes,
behaviors and impulses in life, which encourage culture/society to survive and thrive.
From the Garden of Eden till the French Enlightenment, spanning thousands of years,
principled conservatism was the anchor of the village/town/city/state/nation where
Monarchy was the norm of rule.
Then some 300 years past, the Enlightenment dawned, ushering in a revolutionary
and radical notion that material betterment was Man's higher calling replacing his
earlier adherence to custom, convention and continuity.
But how could Man be seduced into accepting material betterment as a replacement
for the earlier values which contained a powerful spiritual component???
Because in the back-pack of the Enlightenment lurked Capitalism which upon emerging
changed the World and Man dramatically to this very moment.
Anyone doubting this, compare the Art produced before and after the Enlightenment.
Wise Men such as Edmund Burke and Adam Smith understood this and called attention to it.
As for your question, I have absolutely no interest in any politician as my well being is my responsibility and in my hands.