I am watching the rerun now. Did not see it from the beginning, but first impression, I am not impressed by desperate Biden. Every time he wanted to speak, it was like a temper tantrum. He should have done a better job of covering his pocked face with age spots. Made him look OOOOLLLLLLDDDDD!!!!!!!!
And Warren and her stupid plans...ugggh! Said some good things, but she ruined any future with her endless life long tall tales. Fauxcahontas was done before she started.
Biden is done. His ideas would unemploy half the country, as is true for the others. Trump will have no problem rolling over all of them. Only Bloomberg with his endless funds will compete against Trump. Then there is Hillary, who I see coming in like Joan of Arc to save the day at a contested convention. All she need do is live in six states, WI, MI, OH, PA, FL and NC. She is the only person that can beat Trump. She knows where she made every mistake last time. She just needs to address that, and she is a real threat.
Bernie is a nutjob, sounded like a kook, and his support is limited to those dead from the neck up.
I think Klobuchar has a long road and not enough time to get there.
And the discussions about Denmark....ugggh...fact is, most of the countries in Europe have a higher standard of living than the USA largely because the single largest line item, DEFENSE, has been almost completely funded by the USA. Trump is 100% right about making Europe pay their fair share, which is still grossly deficient in my opinion. The USA should be paying 5% and no more on Europe. Same is true for the UN. The USA funds entirely too much in the world for other countries who skate on any responsibility, and I am tired of the bullsh*t.
And the nonsense of paying off student loans irritates the hell out of me. I paid 100% of my education, and it was not easy. For three summers, I worked 16 hours a day, seven days a week with not one day off in between semesters. I see no one working hard, let alone that hard. The young want everything handed to them, and I say screw them. Lazy worthless fools. Anyone that signed a loan agreement for their education took on the responsibility to pay it back. It is NOT the taxpayers' responsibility to pay for these lazy fools.
These liberal fools want to help these lazy do nothing fools, let them join the military, and after serving as many years as it would take them to pay off their loans for the country to wipe out their student debt. Nothing for nothing. Most Americans struggle to pay their children's education, and giving a free ride to these lazy buggers is an insult to every working man and woman.
My wife spent $30,000 per year for her daughter's education, and she is in year five, first year of grad school, and we are still paying. It is not right we pay heavily for her education while students signed for loans and pay nothing. Over my dead body.
If I am a deplorable, then every one of these Dems running are EXTREME LUNATICS. I am tired of being taxed to death. I want to end income taxes and move to a Fair Tax. We are the only western nation that does not have a Fair Tax, and in a nation based on consumption, we should make the best country for such a tax.
I am tired of driving old cars, having discount clothes, a cheap cell, etc when I see so many on the dole with new cars, the best in clothes, the best toys, i.e the $1,000 cell phone that is new every two years, etc., etc. And with a Fair Tax, all the worst companies that abuse the environment, i.e the Union Carbides of the world who never pay a dime in taxes begin paying their share.
When the federal income tax was started, it was intended to pay the cost of WWI at 1%, and it was supposed to go away after a period of time. Through the years, we have had a max tax rate as high as 90%, and presently it is 36% +/-, and it is just plain usury.
Back to the debate, five folks have been running and had a number of debates prior to tonight. I thought Bloomberg did fine for a first debate. Two debates from tonight, he will be shredding all on stage. and doing so with great calm. I see Bernie going to the convention with the most votes, with Bloomberg a close 2nd, and HRC just sitting there waiting for her easy moment in the sun to walk in and take over. Now, Bloomberg coughing up a couple hundred million for the DNC could result in the super delegates all going his way. Not even pocket change for Little Mike. So, in the end, it is Clinton or Bloomberg. Sanders is wasting his time.