Couldn't sleep, so early this a.m., I was up watching some overnight news from ABC. Of course, there was a segment about the caravan and ABC has a reporter travelling with them. The report was designed to tug at the heart strings. One sob story after the other. One woman with her kids said her husband had been killed by gangs. In another portion of the story, a child is overcome by the heat and collapses. According to the story, all these people are escaping poverty and violence and are coming here for a better life. Of course, it's not mentioned that they want us taxpayers to just give them that better life free of charge.
Added to the guilt trip coming from the media is one from the Catholic Church. There was an interview with some clergyman who repeated the church's previous position that we Americans have to take these people in, or we aren't good Christians. I used to be a Catholic and had at one point considered returning to the church. But the church's constant guilt trip on its members is wearying. Don't we all pay taxes that go to these countries in the form of foreign aid? Don't many people of faith contribute to their churches' missions in some of these countries? Seems to me that we Americans do far more for the less fortunate than anyone else in the world. But the rest of the world insists we don't do enough. The H with that.
I refuse to be guilted into welcoming the invaders and giving them the good life at our expense. Enough is enough. Treat them as any other invasionary force. If they don't go home and cross our border, shoot them. Let the UN, the Catholic Church and the rest of the world whine and complain. Our government's first and foremost obligation is to protect us citizens. If the president and the rest of our representatives in DC aren't going to do that, then they should be removed from office.