But you get my point right?
I get your point, but we have to be insistent in the accuracy of informing tyranny advocates that the rights they think can be *reasonably regulated* under the color of 'law', do not come from the parchment they say grants us our rights. Neither is their argument that a court can infringe upon them *reasonably* under the guise of public safety and security.
Our Rights are above the institutions of men to mess around with. When they do step into doing as is being suggested by our resident advocate of tyranny - then such government is no longer a Protector of Rights, but Destructive of those Rights. At such time, we have an obligation to alter and abolish the forms to which we have become accustomed and create new guards for our future security. They have NO legal or moral authority to touch or limit our Rights.
Because when they do - we should no longer consent to be governed by such people or institutions so corrupted into evil that they evince a plan rendering us under absolute despotism.
If it was that important back then...it shouldn't be any less important to ALL Americans today.
But it is not. That is the reality as we see JH prove daily. As with all Leftists and Tyrants desiring power and control, the entire Constitution and especially our Rights are an obstacle they seek to regulate, neuter or abolish for the population they hate and fear and want to subjugate.
And we should resist any and all attempts to take away our RKBA.
Yes. But the only way they 'take it away' is if we let them, or we submit to the abolition under the color of 'law' - which is illegal in itself.
Does that mean armed rebellion against the Government...no there are other ways before it gets that far despite what our resident leftist Liberal lawyer tries to claim we want.
We are past the point of reasoning with such people and they have no intention whatsoever to back off their demand that our right to arms is rendered into a privilege that is regulated by the permission of government to grant or take away at their discretion.
At this point - they simply need to be reminded what it is going to cost them by continuing down the path they are on.
It may be the only thing to give them pause.
And if not - then the tree of liberty needs watering.