Let me get this straight ... you think it's wonderful what the GOP has proposed... to raise taxes on low and middle incomes... to help raise the almost 2 TRILLION dollars required to give a windfall tax cut for the rich ??
If so, the GOP should give you an officer's appointment in their class warfare army.
I think tax rates on the rich should stay where they are,* but everything you said up to that point, yes, I agree entirely. Low and middle incomes, in the grand scheme of things, pay almost nothing. The middle-class effective tax rate is only 2.5% (see:
http://www.gopbriefingroom.com/index.php/topic,283322.msg1465910.html ); in the lowest tax brackets, tax rates are effectively negative! We cannot run a country with so many people paying so little into the system, especially if people expect the size of government and military we have now; even so, there will probably be cuts needed.
I'll also note that only targeting the rich for tax increases will only make the system less stable, prone to huge deficits when the economy is in recession. By spreading out the tax burden, it is like diversifying a portfolio: risk is minimized and revenue becomes more stable.
* I say this believing that the current tax rate in that bracket is close to the apex of the Laffer curve.