So you are saying that those disagreeing with you should be shown the door? How freeperish of you.
Yes. That's exactly what he's saying.
Funny thing is, I don't think a single person on that list wants to have him banned, just because he disagrees with us.
That's the fundamental difference between the Trump zealots and the rest of us who value freedom.
We don't want to silence dissent as they do. We don't think that our views should be the only ones permitted on this forum. We believe in free speech. We believe in the freedom of ideas and ideals.
I'm not sure how the chicken-egg thing works with the Trumpists. Did they not value freedom and thus were attracted to Trump, or did their attraction to Trump destroy their own values?
I don't think we'll ever know, but the thing we know for sure is that the Trump faithful want to shut the rest of us up.
I, for one, am PROUD to be on the list that values Conservatism and liberty. Being a target for this nasty group is sort of a red badge of courage for all of us.
The ones whom DC wants to banish from this forum are the ones I am honored to stand alongside.