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Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Game of Thrones Thread
« on: May 17, 2016, 07:02:20 pm »
So....any other fans of the show or books here?

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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2016, 07:03:58 pm »
Show only. 

Haven't gotten into the books, and given the wait-time between books - I probably will pass on those and just let the show tell the story for me.
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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2016, 08:18:56 pm »
Heh -- can't blame you.  I was actually one of those who started the books way back in 1996.  Never expected it would take this long.  Absolutely love his writing, for the most party.  But it is a lot of fun getting to watch the show now without knowing what is going to happen.  There have been some pretty obvious changes from the books, but still, it is more or less an unknown from this point forward.  And if he ever finishes writing it, that'll just be a chance to enjoy the rest of the story all over again.

Good episode on Sunday.  Generally not a fan at all of the gratuitous sex/nudity scenes, but that was one that actually mattered.

I just hope some of those other storylines get into gear.  Arya has been treading water forever, and all that stuff in Dorne seems completely irrelevant to this point.  They hit a homerun with the casting of Oberyn, but since then...bleh.

I think we are being set-up for shocking mayhem.  That Littlefinger is going to march troops from the Vale to Winterfell is unnerving, and I think we are not done with whatever the Sandsnakes and Dorne intend to unleash in conjunction with the Sparrows in Kings Landing.  I did applaud twice this past Sunday and it was played out nicely.  Was expecting Jorah and Daario to come a-calling with Drogon to help Daenny - and had forgotten that she not called The Unburnt for nothing.  Way to go there.  Obviously the Dothraki do not practice keeping the Secretary of State away from a joint session of Blood riders to keep a succession of power going.  Good one for the new Queen of the Dothraki.
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Offline kevindavis007

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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2016, 08:51:05 pm »
Love the show, never read the books..
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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2016, 08:59:34 pm »
Yeah, great scene with Danaerys.

I'm a bit bothered by the continuity stuff in the north, though.  Winter was coming, and the bulk of Stannis' army perished in a horrific blizzard marching from the Wall to Winterfell.  But after that, when winter should be advancing, Sansa and her group merrily traipsed from the Winterfell to the Wall.  Now Jon is going to march back south with an army, and Littlefinger will be coming north with men of the Vale.  So is it global warming, or what?

The way the show seems to depict it - (or at least how I perceive it) - when the White Walkers are on the move and active - they bring Winter with them.

Recall that after Stannis lost a lot of men in the snow, Melissandre burned his daughter, and the next day the snows melted and Stannis marched South to his doom.  A major snow storm has not been depicted since.

Maybe that has something to do with Jon Snow, and maybe nothing at all.  We have not seen the White Walkers and the army of the dead since Hardhome.

We got a sneak of them in Bran's vision for this weekends show.
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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2016, 09:19:33 pm »
That's an interesting point.  I've thought the same thing from the books, but didn't connect it with what is currently happening south of the Wall.  But I suppose I'd respond by saying there is no sign that the White Walkers have retreated at all.

Well, what if the winds and weather of Winter are a weapon the White Walkers use to conceal their movements and/or advancement?

We saw that happen when they were first spotted up on the cliffs moving towards Hardhome.  The blizzard came with them.

Also recall some time back when that baby from the shack was placed as an offering that there was no snow or ice falling when the Night King came and froze the infant.
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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2016, 03:29:22 pm »
I agree with all that.  I think you're dead-on.  I just don't see that as an explanation for what happened to Stannis.

Hardhome is on a peninsula hundreds of miles northeast of Castle Black -- Winterfell is 5-600 miles southwest of Castle Black , so we may be talking nearly 1000 miles.  I can't see how the Others would have even known, or cared, about Stannis.  And as soon as the Others leave Hardhome, they're necessarily moving down that peninsula, and closer to the Castle Black, and therefore Winterfell.  So if the mere presence of the Others can actually affect weather nearly 1000 miles away, the weather should have kept getting worse after Hardhome and Stannis' battle.

And I suppose the other thing is that none of the characters have remarked on the weather at all, or seem remotely aware that we went from horrible blizzard to easy travelling weather.  If there was some unstated/unknown mystical explanation, you'd think they'd at least express some puzzlement over how the weather changed.  That's why it looks more like just a plot device to me.

But I suppose that's just nitpicking.

Well, Winter is coming.

The snowstorm that socked in the North (including at Winterfell) that resulted in Stannis' army getting stuck and left vulnerable happened at nearly the same time as the events at Hardhome.  Not saying that that blast of Winter was the result of the Others socking it to the entire North - but the Others do have the ability to herald snow and ice whenever they appear.  The implication is that when the Others are ready to move South - Winter comes with them.

My guess is that The Children of the Forest and The Others have some kind of symbiotic connection as to how seasons work in the fantasy world of Ice and Fire.  The Three-Eyed Raven may explain some of that to Bran.  Winters can last for 100s of years in this world, and perhaps the final outcome of the wars to come may result in a more 'annual' weather pattern?  The last time I ever saw the seasons used in a fantasy as a plot device was Ridley Scott's Legend.

As to the characters commenting on the weather - it seems they know about the long winters and think nothing of them other than to prepare for them.  I recall Tyrell discussing in a small council meeting that they did not have enough stores of grain to last half of a Winter if the Iron Bank called in their debts.

Melissandre seemed to believe that after burning Stannis' daughter that her god had performed a miracle for them in terms of ending the snows and melting them.  Who knows?  Maybe it's La Nina in the Shimmering  Sea or the Gulf Stream suddenly stops and starts?  Maybe Saruman is busy trying to bury the Fellowship…. er…. wrong franchise.
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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2016, 04:26:33 pm »
Or maybe it's just me being anal, and not accepting that sometimes, you can get a freak heavy snowstorm early in the season, and then nothing else for awhile.

I suppose I should really consider that possibility too.....

It's more fun to imagine a plot reason for everything that occurs.
Fart for freedom, fart for liberty and fart proudly.  - Benjamin Franklin

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Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2016, 04:44:06 am »

That had to be one of the most I formatiin-filled episodes ever, from the origins of the Others, to Hodor, to the Blackfish having retaken Winterfell...things are very clearly picking up.

Nice to see Little finger put in his place a bit as well.

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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2016, 06:14:19 am »
to the Blackfish having retaken Winterfell...

I do not recall that being said.  All I heard was that Blackfish gathered what was left of House Tully and retook Riverrun.  Winterfell is still in the hands of Ramsay Bolton. The Knights of the Vale are marching North - but we cannot be sure of where Littlefinger is sending them to do battle.

I would not be surprised that he sends the Knights of the Vale to attack Blackfish in the hopes that Sansa is there.

Recall that in season 1, Littlefinger said to the whores from the North that all he wanted to do was *eff* the whole world which was followed by Lord Varys saying Baelish was the most dangerous man in Westeros.
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...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2016, 05:06:03 pm »
I do not recall that being said.  All I heard was that Blackfish gathered what was left of House Tully and retook Riverrun.
You're right -- I was thinking Riverrun but typed Winterfell.  GOT dyslexia, I suppose.  Still, retaking Riverrun is a huge deal.

I would not be surprised that he sends the Knights of the Vale to attack Blackfish in the hopes that Sansa is there.

Well, he told Robert right in front of Bronze Yohn Royce that Sansa was in the North, and Robert said to march north to rescue her, so LF told Royce they were marching to Winterfell.  If LF subsequently changed his mind and ordered an attack on Riverrun instead, I can't see why Royce would do it -- the Arryns and Tullys were close, and that's not what Robert said.  Also, LF specifically said that the Vale knights were already at Moat Cailen, heading north.  He hadn't been rejected by Sansa at that point, so there's no reason to believe he's lying about that, and there would have been no reason to attack Riverrun at all.

I guess my point is that LF said, in two separate places in front of two different groups of people, that they were marching to Winterfell.  I see no reason why they'd change at this point.  I suspect LF will just keep the army going north anyway, figuring that his best chance with Sansa is to pull a Jorah, and stay loyal even after rejection.  Attacking Riverrun doesn't seem to do much for him.  He'd turn Sansa from someone who doesn't like him into an out and out enemy, he'd strain to perhaps the breaking point his authority over the Lords of the Vale, and there's a good chance he couldn't take Riverrun anyway.  The Blackfish is a legendary commander, and Riverrun is a very difficult fortress to besiege.

Also, geographically, It's pretty unlikely that Sansa -- even if she had chosen to make the journey herself -- would be able to get to Riverrun before the besieging Vale Lords anyway.

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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2016, 05:15:13 pm »
Well, if I recall - Baelish did tell Cersei that he would attack Winterfell and that he would not rest until the Lion's banners flew over Winterfell.

I still think LF is fulfilling what he told his whores, to set the whole kingdom against itself and tear it down.

I also think Sansa sending Brienne to Riverrun was a big mistake.  The Men Without Banners are there also - and if the show picks up some of what is in the books, Brienne is going to meet a bad end at the hand of someone you would not expect.
Fart for freedom, fart for liberty and fart proudly.  - Benjamin Franklin

...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775

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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2016, 05:56:33 pm »
Well, if I recall - Baelish did tell Cersei that he would attack Winterfell and that he would not rest until the Lion's banners flew over Winterfell.

I still think LF is fulfilling what he told his whores, to set the whole kingdom against itself and tear it down.

But didn't he also say the reason he was fomenting chaos was because it gave a chance for others -- namely himself -- to rise?  I think the "chaos" part of his plan is pretty much over, and he's now trying to build a real power base.  Let's say he's on the up and up with Sansa -- at least now.  He's setting up an alliance -- Arryn-Tully-Stark.  I think one of the reasons he pointed out that Jon was only a unlegitimized half-brother is because he wants Sansa to hold Winterfell in her own name.  That gives him Robert in the Vale, Sansa in Winterfell (assuming he can win her back at some level), and the Blackfish at Riverrun, who likely will be besieged at some point by the Freys or Lannisters.  Presumably, the Freys still hold Edmure Tully, though what it going to happen when the Freys find out about Walda will be interesting.

Anyway, I think LF's plan is to use the Vale's forces to tip the scales in favor of both the Tullys and the Starks.  That, coupled with his influence over Robert, might (in his plan) give him the support of three Great Houses.  The Lannisters are discredited because of the bastardy, the Dornish hate the Lannister and likely dislike the Tyrells for supporting the Lannisters, and the Baratheons are virtually gone.  LF may think he is setting himself up to be chosen as the next King.  I'm guessing that's his master plan.

One potential wrinkle -- that has to keep him up late at night -- is if Sansa were to ever spill the beans about him murdering Lysa Arryn.  The whole thing would come crashing down at that point.

I also think Sansa sending Brienne to Riverrun was a big mistake.  The Men Without Banners are there also - and if the show picks up some of what is in the books, Brienne is going to meet a bad end at the hand of someone you would not expect.

Good point.  Not sure ol' Stoneheart will come into play, but the Brotherhood without Banners running into her definitely seems a possibility, and sending her to the Riverlands then becomes a plot device for more conflict.

The show is really picking up.  I think the pacing is much better than last season, but I also think there's been a decline in the quality of dialogue.  They've been able to truncate GRRM's plots, but for the first time, can no longer rely on his prose.

How legit do you think the Umber alliance with Ramsay really is?  Osha and Shaggy are both dead, and Bolton does have Rickon.  But I'm still wondering how loyal the Umbers are.  They were supposedly reknown for their loyalty -- at least in the show -- and the repeated refusal of that Umber to swear an oath to Ramsay is interesting.

I'm guessing that last battle between Ramsay and Jon is going to find Ramsay with far fewer allies than he imagined.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2016, 06:00:16 pm by Maj. Bill Martin »

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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2016, 06:15:44 pm »
Presumably, the Freys still hold Edmure Tully, though what it going to happen when the Freys find out about Walda will be interesting.

Find out what about Walda Frey? Last time we saw him was his smirking over the carnage at the Red Wedding.

LF may think he is setting himself up to be chosen as the next King.  I'm guessing that's his master plan.

He has got to know that will never happen, anymore than Tywin Lannister could legitimately claim the throne, even though he ran it from behind the scenes. Baelish has no legitimate claim to the throne, unless he thinks he can subjugate the 7 kingdoms himself and claim himself king - which is not out of the realm of thinking in terms of his plans.   He did set this whole thing in motion by getting Lysa to poison her husband's wine and then write a letter to Caitlyn Stark that blamed the Lannisters for it - thus setting the stage for the war he wanted between the Starks and the Lannisters.  Chaos as you recalled him telling Varys, is a ladder.

One potential wrinkle -- that has to keep him up late at night -- is if Sansa were to ever spill the beans about him murdering Lysa Arryn.  The whole thing would come crashing down at that point.

Doubtful.  Sansa lied for him upon questioning by the Lords of the Vale.  She would be held complicit in his treason if she admitted that.

The show is really picking up.  I think the pacing is much better than last season, but I also think there's been a decline in the quality of dialogue. 

Oh I don't know.  Tyrion's discussion about 'conversations in elegant rooms' was pretty good prose IMO.

How legit do you think the Umber alliance with Ramsay really is?

That I do not know.  I'm still trying to figure out why they decided to back Ramsay at all in the first place.
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...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775

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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2016, 06:46:58 pm »
Find out what about Walda Frey? Last time we saw him was his smirking over the carnage at the Red Wedding.

Walda -- the Frey married to Roose that Ramsay murdered.  Not Walter.

He has got to know that will never happen, anymore than Tywin Lannister could legitimately claim the throne, even though he ran it from behind the scenes. Baelish has no legitimate claim to the throne, unless he thinks he can subjugate the 7 kingdoms himself and claim himself king - which is not out of the realm of thinking in terms of his plans.   He did set this whole thing in motion by getting Lysa to poison her husband's wine and then write a letter to Caitlyn Stark that blamed the Lannisters for it - thus setting the stage for the war he wanted between the Starks and the Lannisters.  Chaos as you recalled him telling Varys, is a ladder.

Well...are there really any legitimate claimants in Westeros period?  As I recall from the books, if there is no legitimate heir, then the Great Lords are free to choose a new King.  Didn't Ned even propose that at some point?  I think they could choose whomever they'd want.   LF's plan may be to arrange things so that no member of any Great House will be acceptable to the rest, so he'd be a logical compromise choice.  Nobody is going to want a Lannister in charge, Edmure is goofy, Robert is sickly, and Sansa may be disqualified because she's a girl/and/or doesn't want to leave the North.  Dorne is out of it, there's no Baratheons, so....who?  Maybe Mace Tyrell, but they're also tainted somewhat by their support of the Lannisters, and Mace is a doofus. 

But if you have a crown that is massively in debt, and a very smart guy who is a wizard with money and has been on the Small Council...I think he may see himself as a plausible compromise candidate.  The guy who can "hold things together" without alienating other Houses and who can get the Crown out of debt isn't a bad choice.  And he is now technically the Lord of Harrenhal as well -- which is a major title that might make him a more acceptable contender.  Otherwise...where is his ladder going?  Being on the Small Council wasn't enough for him, and being Lord of Harrenhal isn't enough.  So if he's still scheming, what is left for him other than the Crown?  Sure, it's a tough play, but I think it's the only thing that makes sense as his ultimate goal.

Doubtful.  Sansa lied for him upon questioning by the Lords of the Vale.  She would be held complicit in his treason if she admitted that.

Given the circumstances -- "he told me I was wanted for the death of Joffrey and that you'd turn me over to Cersei Lannister" -- her being merely a witness isn't something I think they'd hold against her.  After all, all the Lords of the Vale were manipulated by him to some extent, and so I think they'd have some pity on a teenage girl who had her family murdered, and who did eventually tell them the truth.  She didn't kill Lysa herself -- she just covered for LF because she was terrified.

After all, what would they do to her if she told them?  She's still Sansa Stark, and I doubt they'd try to punish her and go to war with the Starks.  In any case, she'd certainly get off more lightly than LF would, so if she had the cojones to rat him out, he'd be sunk.  I do think you're right in that "she wouldn't dare tell" is what LF is telling himself, but I also think he knows it isn't a certainty.

Oh I don't know.  Tyrion's discussion about 'conversations in elegant rooms' was pretty good prose IMO.

That was pretty good.

That I do not know.  I'm still trying to figure out why they decided to back Ramsay at all in the first place.

It makes sense for the Karstarks - they're complicit in the murder of Robb and other Northern Lords, so they're kind of stuck with the Boltons.  The Umber explanation was that Jon was a traitor who let the wildings in, so they need help to defeat the wildings and put in a better Lord Commander.  Just not sure I buy it.

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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2016, 11:19:06 pm »
Watch the last episode carefully.

Especially the segment immidately before Sansa and Littlefinger meet, then listen to every word of their conversation.

My guess?

Sansa is carrying Ramsay Bolton's baby.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 11:20:17 pm by Luis Gonzalez »
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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2016, 03:25:41 pm »
Watch the last episode carefully.

Especially the segment immidately before Sansa and Littlefinger meet, then listen to every word of their conversation.

My guess?

Sansa is carrying Ramsay Bolton's baby.

That's an extremely interesting theory. @Luis Gonzalez

To play devil's advocate, that would be such a massive game-changer on a bunch of levels that it seems unlikely Sansa would raise it in such an ambiguous manner.  If there's good reason to reveal it, reveal it.  If not, don't.  And why risk revealing a fact that to Littlefinger, who may well try to use it to his advantage, but conceal it from Jon and everyone else?

I really like the idea, though.  If true, it should become apparent before too much longer.  Though with the timeline liberties they take, who knows....
« Last Edit: May 26, 2016, 05:22:21 pm by Maj. Bill Martin »

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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2016, 07:17:49 pm »
That's an extremely interesting theory. @Luis Gonzalez

To play devil's advocate, that would be such a massive game-changer on a bunch of levels that it seems unlikely Sansa would raise it in such an ambiguous manner.  If there's good reason to reveal it, reveal it.  If not, don't.  And why risk revealing a fact that to Littlefinger, who may well try to use it to his advantage, but conceal it from Jon and everyone else?

I really like the idea, though.  If true, it should become apparent before too much longer.  Though with the timeline liberties they take, who knows....

Right before Sansa was told that her uncle was there, she was having trouble with the food. Most people would think that the Night watch's cuisine was unacceptable for royalty.

Then was she confronts Littlefinger with all the horrors that Ramsay put her through, from the rape to those things ladies don't speak of, she tells him that she can still feel the effects of her wedding night.

Here's the quote:

“I can still feel it. I don’t mean ‘in my tender heart it still pains me so’. I can still feel what he did in my body standing here right now.” 
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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2016, 07:39:03 pm »
Right before Sansa was told that her uncle was there, she was having trouble with the food. Most people would think that the Night watch's cuisine was unacceptable for royalty.

Then was she confronts Littlefinger with all the horrors that Ramsay put her through, from the rape to those things ladies don't speak of, she tells him that she can still feel the effects of her wedding night.

Here's the quote:

“I can still feel it. I don’t mean ‘in my tender heart it still pains me so’. I can still feel what he did in my body standing here right now.” 

In the books, Jeyne Poole -- whose position Sansa took in the show -- was severely beaten and whipped, and had scars all over her back.  And you normally don't feel that you're pregnant immediately.

That being said, I think there's a good chance you're right.  There's a parallel between Ned raising Jon -- and suffering for it -- and Sansa raising a child fathered by Ramsay.   And her being pregnant and recognizing first hand what it means to be invested in an unplanned/unwanted child may explain why she seems to have a stronger bond with Jon now.  It would be an interesting twist.

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Game of Thrones Producers Apologize for Hodor
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2016, 02:56:51 am »
@Maj. Bill Martin

Game of Thrones Producers Apologize for Hodor

Jimmy Kimmel Live
May 25, 2016

The most recent episode of “Game of Thrones” was particularly upsetting for fans of the show. Even now people are still talking about the shocking turn of events at the end of the show - and producers DB Weiss and David Benioff took the extraordinary step of apologizing to their fans.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2016, 02:59:00 am by Machiavelli »

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Re: Game of Thrones Producers Apologize for Hodor
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2016, 02:58:07 pm »
@Maj. Bill Martin

Game of Thrones Producers Apologize for Hodor

Jimmy Kimmel Live
May 25, 2016

That's hilarious because it is so true.  Had that happen multiple times to me this week.

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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #21 on: May 31, 2016, 05:09:36 pm »
Thing are really happening fast.  Arya's two-season (boring) storyline in Braavos finally is coming to a climax.  We now know -- as many suspected -- that Benjen was Coldhands.  Then there is what seems to me to be Margaery's power play in KL.  By siding with the High Sparrow, she has carved out a power base independent of both her own family and the Lannisters, and gained a great measure of control over Tommen.  I imagine we'll be seeing the Clegane Bowl in a few episodes.

And, it looks like the whole Jaime/Brienne/Riverrrun storyline is going to come together.  As weird as it sounds, they might actually bring Lady Stoneheart into it, which I thought was something they'd scrapped.  I have no idea if it's going to be resolved the same as the book, though.

Fun as hell to be watching this, and having no clue how things are going to be resolved.

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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #22 on: May 31, 2016, 06:06:12 pm »
And, it looks like the whole Jaime/Brienne/Riverrrun storyline is going to come together.  As weird as it sounds, they might actually bring Lady Stoneheart into it, which I thought was something they'd scrapped.  I have no idea if it's going to be resolved the same as the book, though.

Not so well for Brienne if they follow the books according to the fan base.

Fart for freedom, fart for liberty and fart proudly.  - Benjamin Franklin

...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775

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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #23 on: May 31, 2016, 06:38:37 pm »
Not so well for Brienne if they follow the books according to the fan base.

But they can't follow the books because Brienne actually did her job with respect to Sansa, and rescued her.  That didn't happen in the books before she had a run-in with the BwB.  I suppose it could morph to "save Arya", but that seems a bit of a stretch.  Certainly, it doesn't seem like the BwB/LS will be as upset with her as they were in the books.

It's really interesting because Jaime at Riverrrun is happening much later than it did in the books.  I'm not at all sure he's going to align himself against the Tullys at this point.  And it looks like he'll at least run into Brienne there, who will tell him about everything that's happening in the North.  The other angle is that he's now been freed from his vows as Lord Commander, and is in fact the Lord of Casterly Rock at this point.  So who the hell knows what that means?

From what I've heard, there's this season, and then 13 episodes next seasons.  So reviving a whole storyline of Riverrun surrendering to the Lannisters at this late point seems like it would be a sideshow.

Also, really curious about the Mountain, and what's going to happen in that duel.  If the Mountain wins, I think it will go berserk.  Perhaps even to the point of killing Tommen.

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Re: Game of Thrones Thread
« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2016, 07:18:20 pm »
But they can't follow the books because Brienne actually did her job with respect to Sansa, and rescued her.  That didn't happen in the books before she had a run-in with the BwB.  I suppose it could morph to "save Arya", but that seems a bit of a stretch.  Certainly, it doesn't seem like the BwB/LS will be as upset with her as they were in the books.

Since the show is 'based' on the books, and the Men Without Banners are IN Riverrun - I would not be surprised to see Lady Stoneheart there and/or have Brienne's fate meted out in similar manner by someone else assuming the punishment Lady Stoneheart delivers.  Especially given the joyful glee that takes place in this series with so many main characters  meeting bad ends.

It's really interesting because Jaime at Riverrrun is happening much later than it did in the books.  I'm not at all sure he's going to align himself against the Tullys at this point.  And it looks like he'll at least run into Brienne there, who will tell him about everything that's happening in the North. 

I do not think he is the same man that existed when he last saw Brienne.  He is hell-bent now on revenge himself and is closer to his sister's motivations than his own past careless arrogance.  Maybe Jaime is the one to use Oathkeeper and exact punishment on Brienne?  That too would not surprise me. 

Also, really curious about the Mountain, and what's going to happen in that duel.  If the Mountain wins, I think it will go berserk.  Perhaps even to the point of killing Tommen.

Well, given what that witch told Cersei when she was a teen, all three of her kids would be crowned with gold, and gold would be their shrouds.  AND, it was Cersei's actions themselves - that ultimately caused the death of her first two, and it would fit the pattern that the Mountain zombie, when she unleashes it - ends up ending Tommen as well. In fact if you look back on the show - the flash point to the entire unravelling of what existed when the show began and the thing that sets off all the events we have seen (excepting Daenerys) is Cersie and Jaime.  The thing he does for "love" - sets off the chain reaction of everything that followed.  So I think those two will ultimately be responsible for their own demise.
Fart for freedom, fart for liberty and fart proudly.  - Benjamin Franklin

...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775