14 years ago
He was the investigative reporter at the Daily News. Donny's hometown paper that gave him tons of ink along with the Post. You better believe a media whore like Trump knew him. To think otherwise is absurd.
Follow the timeline as well:
Trump says something stupid (a daily occurrence) about 9/11.
He gets called out on it because it is so stupid.
Instead of saying he made a mistake he doubles down and mocks the reporter to the finest detail and acknowledges the reporters "nice" personality (a sign he knew the man).
When that cigar explodes in his face he claims he knows nothing and he wasn't mocking the reporter even though there is video of him doings so.
After that lame excuse falls flat, he claims the larger issue is the NY Time's profitability.
Non of those facts are in dispute. This is exactly how that issue played out over a multi day period in November of 2015.