Author Topic: Is Obama driving millennials toward hopelessness? Author blames president for killing American Dream, sowing despair in the military  (Read 1248 times)

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Is Obama driving millennials toward hopelessness?
Author blames president for killing American Dream, sowing despair in the military
Published: 11 hours ago

By Paul Bremmer

Today’s young adults are much less likely to believe in the American Dream than were young adults in 1986, and analysts have attributed this surge in pessimism to factors such as wage stagnation, mounting college debt and the economic damage caused by the Great Recession.

However, one author and journalist traces the decline in American hopefulness to the very man who promised hope and change when he first ran for president.

“Reality check: For a good part of millennials’ lives (the past seven years), their nation has been run by a lawless, lying Marxist revolutionary, a man literally obsessed with phantom menaces like global warming, ‘gun violence,’ an epidemic of racism among law enforcement, and other delusions,” said David Kupelian, author of “The Snapping of the American Mind.”

Meanwhile, he continued, “The U.S. economy has gone to hell, her culture has descended further into the gutter, the tyranny of political correctness has grown, fear for the safety of the American homeland is the highest since 9/11, and the rest of the world is on fire. Of course, millennials aren’t feeling all warm and hopeful about the nation’s future – or their own.”

A Fusion 2016 Issues poll released earlier this month found only 16 percent of 18-to-35-year-olds said the American Dream is “very much alive” today. On the other hand, 29 percent said the Dream is “not really alive.”

The pollsters compared their results with those from a similar poll conducted in 1986 by the Roper Organization. In the 1986 poll, which gauged the opinions of 18-to-34-year-olds, 32 percent said the American Dream was “very much alive,” while 12 percent said it was “not really alive.”

The three most common items today’s young people consider part of the American Dream are the ability to start a business, send their kids to college, and get a college education for themselves.

In related news, the Washington Times reported this month on a new research paper which shows that among members of America’s armed forces, white males under age 24 are the most likely to commit suicide.

The two psychologists who authored the paper initially considered whether military suicides increased in the 2000s because of the two wars launched in that decade, but upon reviewing historical data they found military suicides actually fell during previous wars. So they concluded the military’s current suicide problem is a millennial-generation problem.

The authors noted millennial recruits are more likely than previous generations to come from single-parent homes and carry the emotional baggage of adverse childhood experiences. Therefore they are “a more vulnerable cohort of soldiers as compared to earlier generations,” according to the report.

Kupelian agrees with that analysis, but sees another factor at work as well.

“This is sadly true, of course, but compounding this problem is that the commander-in-chief is a person that most soldiers recognize is not a worthy leader and cannot truly have their best interests at heart,” Kupelian said. “This is devastating for the military. Indeed, the report found that for some mysterious reason the rate of military suicides – predominantly among millennials – started increasing shortly before Obama became president.” (The rate started sharply increasing around 2006 or 2007, according to one of the report’s authors.)

Survey data seem to back up Kupelian’s point. In 2014, President Obama’s popularity fell to an all-time low among active-duty military members. Only 15 percent approved of the way Obama was handling his job as commander-in-chief, while 55 percent disapproved. In 2009, Obama’s first year in office, 35 percent of military members had approved of him while 40 percent had disapproved.

In short, Kupelian faults Obama for crushing the very spirit that keeps the American Dream alive.

“The ‘American Dream’ has everything to do with hopefulness, with love of country, with optimism, with a belief in American exceptionalism – and just beneath the surface of that belief in American exceptionalism, a belief that God has uniquely blessed this nation,” Kupelian said.

“The far left, led by Obama, who has controlled the nation’s levers of power for seven long years, has done everything possible, whether intentionally or not, to extinguish this flame, this love of country and confidence in the future that has traditionally burned brightly in the heart of every true American.”


Offline EdinVA

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As much as I want to lay all of this on obama, I think this has been a long time in the works, since WWII really.
With Roosevelt's New Deal came the realization that the feds could falsely engineer the economy with a whole host of programs then Johnson's Great Society crap.
The Anti-Vietnam/anti-government/draft dodging/bra burning/etc junk that come on in the 60's with no consequences.
Corporate raiders of the 70's destroyed companies and retirements and along came the disposable employee during the 80's.
The 90s and 2000's brought us off shoring jobs, businesses closed for "environmental" reasons and increased automation.
Now we have the potential for extended unemployment and little prospect of a real career, more like perpetual job hunting.

Obama has just been nailing his share of the nails in the coffin...

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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As much as I want to lay all of this on obama, I think this has been a long time in the works, since WWII really.
With Roosevelt's New Deal came the realization that the feds could falsely engineer the economy with a whole host of programs then Johnson's Great Society crap.
The Anti-Vietnam/anti-government/draft dodging/bra burning/etc junk that come on in the 60's with no consequences.
Corporate raiders of the 70's destroyed companies and retirements and along came the disposable employee during the 80's.
The 90s and 2000's brought us off shoring jobs, businesses closed for "environmental" reasons and increased automation.
Now we have the potential for extended unemployment and little prospect of a real career, more like perpetual job hunting.

Obama has just been nailing his share of the nails in the coffin...

I agree with much of your analysis.  But I think Obama has done more than just "nailing his share" into the coffin.  Through his two terms a generation has grown up with lower expectations on all fronts--social, political, defense, global clout, as well as economics. 

Under this president these lower expectations, previously a fringe political belief system, have become an acceptable part of mainstream of American life. 

Our young adults must be shown that Obama's worldview is an anomaly.  They must be actively taught what the American "can do" dream is all about -- both here at home and around the world.  To return real hope to our younger generation, this is the change we need, and we need it now.

Offline EdinVA

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I agree with much of your analysis.  But I think Obama has done more than just "nailing his share" into the coffin.  Through his two terms a generation has grown up with lower expectations on all fronts--social, political, defense, global clout, as well as economics. 

Under this president these lower expectations, previously a fringe political belief system, have become an acceptable part of mainstream of American life. 

Our young adults must be shown that Obama's worldview is an anomaly.  They must be actively taught what the American "can do" dream is all about -- both here at home and around the world.  To return real hope to our younger generation, this is the change we need, and we need it now.

Until we recognize that we are dealing with an organized movement and not just a series of disconnected efforts, we will not win.  None these steps are just random opportunistic events.
The progressives have a game plan to chop away at our society and we have brought a "knife to a gun fight".
« Last Edit: December 20, 2015, 02:39:37 pm by EdinVA »

Offline Free Vulcan

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It's rough, but the Millenials need this. Nothing to cure them of liberalism than to experience first hand the hopelessness of it. When they see liberals are all about handouts and pimping groups and issues for votes and power, a good chunk of them will fall away.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2015, 04:21:21 am by Free Vulcan »
The Republic is lost.

Offline katzenjammer

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Until we recognize that we are dealing with an organized movement and not just a series of disconnected efforts, we will not win.  None these steps are just random opportunistic events.
The progressives have a game plan to chop away at our society and we have brought a "knife to a gun fight".

Yes, we had a thread here running last week, what you are describing are the effects of Cultural Marxism over many decades.

Offline Bigun

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"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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Yes, we had a thread here running last week, what you are describing are the effects of Cultural Marxism over many decades.

Thread titled Political correctness = Cultural Marxism.,188771.msg751380.html#msg751380
« Last Edit: December 21, 2015, 05:51:15 pm by Bigun »
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

Offline flowers

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Good posts. I have noticed lately when watching movies made in the 80's even later the message they had back then. Watching a movie just the other week made in the 80's it referenced the Southern Poverty Law Center. They have been fighting us for a decades. They will bet their Cultural Marxism by 2017 at this rate.  8888crybaby **nononono*

Offline Scottftlc

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As much as I want to lay all of this on obama, I think this has been a long time in the works, since WWII really.
With Roosevelt's New Deal came the realization that the feds could falsely engineer the economy with a whole host of programs then Johnson's Great Society crap.

I believe the primary reason for the immigration crisis that we have today (as well as that facing western Europe) is due to those essential socialist government programs.  Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare and so forth.  They are Ponzi schemes that require an ever-increasing population to remain somewhat solvent.  And in the meantime our political class has raided those programs for spending money, increased them and promoted the concept of fewer children in the native population at the same time through abortion and birth control and mandatory college education paid for by debt or the parents, and maybe just as important, very high taxes and a constant economic crunch on families.  They have to bring in population from "the southern countries" in order to keep these government programs propped up economically - it's a losing game, they are kicking the can down the road for a generation, but for them personally, that's all they need to stay in power for their lifetimes.  They hate growth...and they NEED growth or there will be political Hell of a revolutionary kind, because if those programs fail and the economy tanks as a result, then no one in power now is safe from the people.
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Offline ABX

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The problems we often associate with Millennials are more a product of the 100% connected life they live that gets them accustomed to instant gratification and expect more services or even tangible products to be free (streaming music, streaming movies, etc- no need to buy them any longer).

They also have a lot of advantages that should be exploited. The very wide circles. The ability to instantly network for action.

Online andy58-in-nh

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Until we recognize that we are dealing with an organized movement and not just a series of disconnected efforts, we will not win.  None these steps are just random opportunistic events.
The progressives have a game plan to chop away at our society and we have brought a "knife to a gun fight".

That is unquestionably true, and all one has to do is to read their own books and periodicals to see what the Left is truly up to.

So why do no Republicans ever talk about it?
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Offline Bigun

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That is unquestionably true, and all one has to do is to read their own books and periodicals to see what the Left is truly up to.

So why do no Republicans ever talk about it?

Some republicans DO talk about it but the media NEVER tells you what they say!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

Offline jmyrlefuller

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Now we have the potential for extended unemployment and little prospect of a real career, more like perpetual job hunting.
Indeed. If you read any advice on job hunting, you can't help coming to the conclusion that it's practically impossible. For any job prospect, as many as 70 people will submit an application. Most advice concludes that "job hunting is a full-time job" in and of itself, and that you have to devote multiple hours a day, hunting down contacts. All to find one position where you'll get hired.

I hear all this talk about a "skills gap," but how much of that is employers expecting ridiculously narrow requirements? A specific degree in this field or that, or even experience—the entry level has all but vanished in most careers for all except the well-connected. If someone gets laid off, they end up having to pick a new career, go back for years of training, all with the possibility or even likelihood that that job probably won't be there when they're done. Job hunting in this economy, unless you're aiming for dead-end jobs on the bottom rung (and with this "drive for 15" who knows how long even that will be around), is like playing a years-long game of Whack-a-Mole.
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