The 9th Circuit Court Hates America and our Freedoms
By Onan Coca / 28 February 2014 / 0 Comments
The 9th Circuit Court seems to dislike everything that America stands for, as they are constantly at war with our Constitution.
Their most recent decision puts it all into perspective.
Back in May of 2010 a California High School would not allow their students to wear American flag t-shirts on Cinco de Mayo for fear of “racial tension.” Those students sued, and the 9th Circuit has now decided that the school acted within its rights to demand that they not wear the American flag.
Here’s what the Court said.
"The controversy and tension remained," a panel of judges from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals said in their opinion, "but the school's actions presciently avoided an altercation."
americanflagshirtSchool officials were worried about violence and disruption of school activities "and their response was tailored to the circumstance," the opinion said.
So the school did not violate the students Constitutional rights because they believed that the tension that existed caused reason to worry about violence and disruption of school activities? I feel like this case was tried already back during the Vietnam War. Remember when the Tinker siblings wore black armbands to protest the War? The school reacted in much the same way for similar reasons – and the Court decided that the school had overreached and violated the students’ constitutional rights!
Beyond that, is there not something especially disgusting when the holiday of another nation trumps our own flag in the court? And why does this tension even exist? Is it because some students cannot tolerate Americans being patriotic during a Mexican holiday? That is ludicrous.
If the school really wanted to avoid violence and disruption, then they should have cancelled the Cinco de Mayo festivities and banned those students from celebrating their Mexican National heritage at the school. The American flag should never be a cause for violence or disruption in an AMERICAN school. The cause of the violence and disruption was the celebration of a Mexican holiday.
The 9th Circuit Court is full of liberal ideologues whose only goal is to advance their progressive agenda – not to uphold the Constitution. I hope that the Supreme Court picks this case up and destroys the 9th Circuit’s decision before schools all over American begin silencing our patriotic children.