Author Topic: In Dearborn, the antisemitic, America-hating Muslims show their true colors  (Read 490 times)

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Offline rangerrebew

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April 8, 2024
In Dearborn, the antisemitic, America-hating Muslims show their true colors
By Andrea Widburg

Dearborn, Michigan, is the Muslim capital of America. When Rep. Rashida Tlaib won her election to the House, she didn’t celebrate America. She celebrated “Palestine,” her true country. That was subtle compared to her constituents this weekend, who took to the streets screaming “Death to America. Death to Israel.” By allowing the non-assimilation of people whose values are antithetical to the Constitution and our nation, the viper we have nurtured to our bosom will kill us as surely as the asp that killed Cleopatra…and Biden is already sacrificing Israel on its altar.

To appreciate fully what took place in Dearborn, you need to know that Al-Quds is the Muslim word for “Jerusalem,” the ancient Jewish capital that King David founded (circa 1,000 B.C.), and that Mohamed never visited but nevertheless claimed for his own. (Mohamed and his Muslims subscribe to the toddler’s creed.) Al-Quds Day, which Ayatollah Khomenei started in 1979, is the day on which Muslims gather to demand the slaughter of Jews and a Muslim takeover of Jerusalem.

Image: X screen grab.

Muslims really, really, genocidally, deeply, in a sadistic, “torture them before you kill them” way, hate the Jews. But they also hate America. That was started in Iran with the Iranian Revolution. “Death to America” was the chant then and remains the chant in Iran to this day. The Mullahs, while desiring Israel’s destruction, call it merely “The Little Satan.” America is “The Great Satan.” And Iran funds Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, Hezbollah, and all sorts of other terrorist organizations.

With this context, this is what happened in Dearborn:
The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.
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Offline Timber Rattler

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The [rhetorical] question nobody is asking is how all these potential jihadis got into the U.S. in the first place?
aka "nasty degenerate SOB," "worst of the worst at Free Republic," "Garbage Troll," "Neocon Warmonger," "Filthy Piece of Trash," "damn $#%$#@!," "Silly f'er," "POS," "war pig," "neocon scumbag," "insignificant little ankle nipper," "@ss-clown," "neocuck," "termite," "Uniparty Deep stater," "Never Trump sack of dog feces," "avid Bidenista," "filthy Ukrainian," "war whore," "fricking chump," "psychopathic POS," "depraved SOB," and "Never Trump Moron."

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."  ---George Orwell

Online Fishrrman

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Rattler shakes it with:
"The [rhetorical] question nobody is asking is how all these potential jihadis got into the U.S. in the first place?"

OK, I'm gonna hit ya with this:
What would you say if I were to claim that the only American immigration policy should be (and should have been -- as it once actually WAS) to admit only white Europeans of Christian background?

And that nearly all others should be excluded?

Online libertybele

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Rattler shakes it with:
"The [rhetorical] question nobody is asking is how all these potential jihadis got into the U.S. in the first place?"

OK, I'm gonna hit ya with this:
What would you say if I were to claim that the only American immigration policy should be (and should have been -- as it once actually WAS) to admit only white Europeans of Christian background?

And that nearly all others should be excluded?

Better yet, we've let in enough ILLEGALS to warrant zero migrants into this country for the net 5 years. No refugees either.

I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline berdie

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Better yet, we've let in enough ILLEGALS to warrant zero migrants into this country for the net 5 years. No refugees either.


I totally agree. NO migrants, refugees for at least 5 years. We need to catch up. We have plenty of people that will do what "Americans Won't Do". Including Americans.