Author Topic: Inside the Biden administration’s indifference towards rescuing Americans from Afghanistan  (Read 206 times)

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Offline Timber Rattler

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At the time of the Afghanistan withdrawal, Biden administration officials said behind closed doors that secretary of state Antony Blinken and national security advisor Jake Sullivan “don’t give a bleep” about rescuing Americans from the clutches of the Taliban.

The admission came on a late August 2021 phone call held between the Department of Defense and congressional Democrats, based on The Spectator’s review of contemporaneous text messages. During the conversation, a Pentagon official acknowledged in response to frustration from Democrats that two of the senior-most officials working on the evacuation — Blinken and Sullivan — were indifferent to the plight of…

The Biden administration’s failures put countless lives at stake on the ground, and the best a lot of Democratic representatives could do was ask their Republican counterparts to save the lives of their constituents. In one poignant case, a Democratic congressman relied on a GOP office active in the evacuation of American citizens to evacuate a bus full of nuns from Afghanistan, those who worked on the evacuation confirmed to The Spectator.

While Democrats were more than willing to acknowledge the failures on the ground to their Republican counterparts behind the scenes, the Democratic Party marched publicly in lockstep with the White House — causing Republicans huge consternation. “bleep them,” one of the GOP staff working on rescuing Americans said of his counterparts on the other side of the aisle. “They wanted their constituents out, just wanted us to do it for them once they realized the White House lied to everybody. And the omertà is always in force. Expose Biden and you might as well burn a Qur’an in Mecca.”

It’s unclear whether the Pentagon official was referring to not “giving a bleep” about the complaints from Congress or about the problem of abandoned Americans itself.

On a different call in early 2022, one of the State Department’s Coordinators for Afghan Relocation Efforts’ liaisons to the legislative branch, Courtnay Rosenberger, told a staffer that her department isn’t interested in solutions. This admission came when one staffer told CARE, “I’m just trying to find solutions.”

Rosenberger replied, according to that staffer, “I don’t want solutions,” contemporary texts show. “They didn’t care, they wanted to put this whole thing behind them, they didn’t want to put any work into it,” that staffer told The Spectator. Rosenberger always was on Zoom in “her nice DC apartment” with a latte, he said.

This lack of care was manifested, the staffer said, in how the State Department would “give ’em [Americans stranded in Afghanistan] one or two phone calls and then just forget about them.”

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