Author Topic: The Quiet Part, In Your Face  (Read 188 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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The Quiet Part, In Your Face
« on: August 28, 2023, 04:24:26 pm »
The Quiet Part, In Your Face

Kevin McCullough
August 27, 2023

The insidious nature of the desire to take absolute control over the rights of every citizen is beginning to peek out from behind the evil-hearted monsters it resides within.

Wake up America, they’re shoving it in your face now.

This last week as President Trump’s motorcade pulled up to the Fulton County courthouse in Georgia, Joe Biden posted a tweet that implied that very minute would be a great time to make a contribution to his campaign coffers.

Using the powers of his position he was both arresting his chief political opponent, and telling all who were watching exactly the reach he had and wasn’t afraid to use. The implication was that Mob Boss Biden could do the same to you if you didn’t donate. All we needed was him to put on his aviators and smile into the camera while he did it.

That same day the Montgomery County Public Schools won a stay in a lawsuit being brought against them. The parents that filed the suit were stunned to learn that the ruling meant they would not be allowed from opting their children out of the reading of controversial books that open promote LGBTQ+ ideas and behavior to children in Kindergarten through 5th grade.

Disregarding completely any acknowledgement that the children are the moral and physical responsibility of the parents and not the school district the judge was dissuaded by a direct constitutional claim that the reading, discussing, and using such materials by the children—violated the religious practice and faith of the Muslim and Christian families bringing the litigation. The judge’s ruling prevents parents from opting-out their children from the curriculum for classes that begin just after Labor Day.

In two additional school districts—one in California and one in Texas—local superintendents have implemented the practice of forcing any parent who visits the school facility to sign non-disclosure agreements. The intent being that while they may allow the parent to observe what their teachers are teaching, they clip the wings of the parents who would be tempted to protest. Presuming they can use the threat of legal action against the parents—the district officials feel confident that they can effectively stifle and muzzle the “trouble makers.” What middle class family is financially ready to lawyer up to defend their own violation of a legal agreement that they signed?

For the record there is no legitimate reason for a school—especially one paid for by tax dollars—to ever have its actions, policies, or study materials put under such agreements.

 The only people who need secrecy are those who have something to hide.

Considering that the left’s push to normalize and desensitize children in schools has multiplies a thousand fold since Biden’s election in 2020, can anyone give them the benefit of the doubt on issues we’re not allowed to see nor discuss?

Nope! This is the new left. The Marxists who will force your compliance, arrest you for not complying, and in a perverse sense of humor suggest you pay them financially for doing so.

*  *  *


Offline DefiantMassRINO

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Re: The Quiet Part, In Your Face
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2023, 04:41:50 pm »
Both extremes want absolute Government control.


The Dems was pre-schoolers to have sex change operations, and for all private wealth to be seized to fix Global Climate Change.

The GOP believes every sperm is sacred, so, birth control, abortion, and overall reproductive bodily autonomy must be eliminated.  But don't make them get Covid shots.

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