Author Topic: Iowa 6-week 'fetal-heartbeat' abortion ban signed into law: 'To the smallest and most vulnerable amo  (Read 595 times)

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Iowa 6-week 'fetal-heartbeat' abortion ban signed into law: 'To the smallest and most vulnerable among us'

Iowa Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds signed a bill into law Friday that bans most abortions in the state as early as six weeks into pregnancy. A judge in Iowa is expected to rule whether the controversial law can be enforced Monday.

"The most glaring injustice of all is about to be put right," Reynolds told a crowd at the Family Leadership Summit, a gathering of evangelical Christians that featured remarks from many Republican presidential hopefuls, on Friday just before signing the law. "Everyone understands that a heartbeat signifies life, and we understand that when it falls silent, something precious has been lost.".........
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