Author Topic: Buck: ‘I won’t support a convicted felon for the White House’  (Read 166 times)

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 Buck: ‘I won’t support a convicted felon for the White House’
by Jared Gans - 06/13/23 2:46 PM ET

Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) said he would not support a convicted felon for president as former President Trump faces an arraignment on federal charges over his alleged mishandling of classified and sensitive documents after his administration ended.

Buck told CNN’s Dana Bash in an interview on Tuesday that the public will need to see how the evidence for the case against Trump is presented and what Trump’s defense is, but he would not “feel comfortable” supporting someone who has been convicted of a felony for president.

“If he is convicted of these charges of mishandling this information, of knowingly concealing his actions, I don’t think, I certainly won’t support a convicted felon for the White House,” he said.

Buck’s comment comes as Trump is set to make his first appearance in federal court in Miami after being indicted on 37 counts related to his keeping classified and sensitive documents at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach, Fla.

Most of the charges Trump is facing are for willful retention of national defense information in violation of the Espionage Act. Other counts he is facing include conspiracy to obstruct justice, concealing a document in a federal investigation and making false statements and representations.

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If Trump becomes a convicted felon, he won't be running.  He'll be wearing an orange jumpsuit and behind bars.
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