Author Topic: Trump Bashes DeSantis, Says Florida 'Continues to Tumble Into Complete and Total...Destruction  (Read 8410 times)

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Offline LMAO

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Why wouldn't Trump be a profligate spender with other people's money? ... along with the Dems and establishment Repubs

It isn't even other people's money

They just borrow and print

Both Biden and Trump are proven threats to our long term economic well being

I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

Barry Goldwater

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Online Right_in_Virginia

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Humiliate DeSantis more than Biden?  Just goes to show what level of a piece of shit Donald J. Trump is.


Offline AllThatJazzZ

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What about what Trump says, @Right_in_Virginia ?  Was he telling the truth?

"[ I ] have a lot of confidence in Ron DeSantis, a lot of faith in Ron Desantis to make the right decision."

"He's been doing a great job and working very hard."

"He's a great governor.  He's done an incredible job."

"He's doing a great job as governor."

"He's been a fantastic governor for Florida.  They are very happy with him."

"One of the greatest governors in our country.  And I know a lot of good ones.  And I can tell you there are some really bad ones, too.  But this is a great one - Governor Ron DeSantis."

"Were in a place called 'Florida' and we have a great governor."

"Great governor, knows exactly what he is doing."

"Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis has done a spectacular job in Florida."

"[DeSantis] enjoys very high popularity, and that's for a reason.  The reason is he's doing a good job."

"He's done a lot of things right."

                     -Donald J. Trump-

I believe everyone here deserves an answer.

Just thought I'd pop in to see if there was a response yet. Notchet. I'll be back...

A government big enough to give you everything you want
is a government big enough to take away everything you have.

Offline LMAO

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Just thought I'd pop in to see if there was a response yet. Notchet. I'll be back...

We’ve learned not to expect an answer on anything from that particular member. But we all still try because one day we figure we might get lucky.

But outside the MAGA bubble, Trump’s past statements on Florida, and DeSantis in particular, will be used.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2023, 10:16:02 am by LMAO »
I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

Barry Goldwater

My Avatar is my adult autistic son Tommy

Offline kevindavis007

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We’ve learned not to expect an answer on anything from that particular member. But we all still try because one day we figure we might get lucky.

But outside the MAGA bubble, Trump’s past statements on Florida, and DeSantis in particular, will be used.


For example, I'm trying to get an answer on how Trump is going to a national election.  Just don't hold your breath.
Join The Reagan Caucus: and the Eisenhower Caucus:

Ronald Reagan: “Rather than...talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems and make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit…earning here they pay taxes here.”

Offline GrouchoTex

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. It will be a first.  Biden runs from his basement. Trump from his jail cell.  What a country.  The two major parties are unable to come up with something better than two reprobates. Sad days ahead for sure.

Kind of felt that back in 2016....
"Was this the best the 2 parties could do?"

I was happy that Trump's administration wasn't as left-wing as I thought it would be.
I will 100% agree he'd be better than Biden, back in 2020 and upcoming 2024.

I still have to wonder if history will repeat and I say when the nominating is all done...
"Was this the best the 2 parties could do?"

To be fair, I think I've felt this way since Dubya vs, Algore, but am I alone in thinking it is progressively going down hill?

Offline roamer_1

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Kind of felt that back in 2016....
"Was this the best the 2 parties could do?"

I was happy that Trump's administration wasn't as left-wing as I thought it would be.
I will 100% agree he'd be better than Biden, back in 2020 and upcoming 2024.

I would agree with that (your bolded) in the short term...

I still have to wonder if history will repeat and I say when the nominating is all done...
"Was this the best the 2 parties could do?"

To be fair, I think I've felt this way since Dubya vs, Algore, but am I alone in thinking it is progressively going down hill?

The first part answers the second: You get more of what you vote *FOR*... In the aggregate, your short term observation is exactly what has filled the Republican party with 'lesser' evil.

Offline GrouchoTex

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I agree with you but I'll add that there is something more.

We've been warned that things from the rise of TV ownership to smartphones today, that these would lower our reasoning, our ability to think.
We were forewarned that we would become accustomed to to and, possibly, rejoice in, finding the lowest common denominator.
As long as we have water, power, shelter, Netflix, and a microwave, we are better off than most of the planet, so we dare not question anything outside of our wheelhouse.
We have practiced acceptance so long that it has become 2nd nature.

Ramblin' a bit, I guess.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2023, 08:12:24 pm by GrouchoTex »

Offline roamer_1

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I agree with you but I'll add that there is something more.

We've been warned that things from the rise of TV ownership to smartphones today, that these would lower our reasoning, our ability to think.
We were forewarned that we would become accustomed to to and, possibly, rejoice in, finding the lowest common denominator.
As long as we have water, power, shelter, Netflix, and a microwave, we are better off than most of the planet, so we dare not question anything outside of our wheelhouse.
We have practiced acceptance so long that it has become 2nd nature.

Ramblin' a bit, I guess.


Ramblin' perhaps, but true on its face.  :beer:
And in which the truism becomes true: Democracies (broad sense, republics included) end in apathy... It is a hard wish, but would that the times become so hard as to remind us all before it is too late.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2023, 08:22:59 pm by roamer_1 »

Offline GrouchoTex

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Ramblin' perhaps, but true on its face.  :beer:
And in which the truism becomes true: Democracies (broad sense, republics included) end in apathy... It is a hard wish, but would that the times become so hard as to remind us all before it is too late.


I had hoped that COVID would have provided that spark back to the rational, but, alas, it was not to be.
The populace was far too eager to acquiesce and accept.

Offline roamer_1

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I had hoped that COVID would have provided that spark back to the rational, but, alas, it was not to be.
The populace was far too eager to acquiesce and accept.


That's right. I keep looking too... but it seems more grief is still needed to enact a turn-around.
I would also have hoped the Bitem administration and liberalism in fire-hose mode would show the light. But alas, even now, it goes right over their heads.  :shrug: