China is engaging nations forgotten or foresaken by the West.
Latin America, Africa, Asia, Australia-ish are resource rich nations not run by Global Climate Change De-Carbonization elitists. You can actually develop natural resources in those regions.
North America and Western Europe are quickly being designated as No Natural Resource Development Zones by the rulng Global Climate Change De-Carbonization cult and cabal.
There have been siginficant energy finds around Guyana and Namibia. Though North America and Western Europe have eschewed demon Carbon and demon Methane, the developing world has not. The developing world can use their natural resources to grow and develop, like North America and Western Europe did in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.
China is being smart and strategic. They are building a 21st Century mercantile system, though it may cause China to expend more soldiers and money to keep their quasi-colonial empire together, like the British in the 19th and 20th centuries.