Author Topic: THAT WAS QUICK: DeSantis Donors Reportedly Recommending DeSantis Sit This One Out  (Read 9053 times)

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Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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And making excuses for  DJT around this crazy new "cities" idea was the ultimate of defending the man, no matter how crazy or un-conservative that he has  become of late.  This was the actual proof I was looking for, in implicating some in the AT faction of such.

My thoughts exactly.

I don't see how anyone who ever claimed to be a conservative could possibly support that idea.  And yet....

I noticed there was no defense of the actual substance of the idea itself - the government picking and choosing sites for new cities, selecting which city plan is the best, and then funding it.  Nothing about that.  Her defense of the idea essentially came down to "Trump came up with it."

Pretty remarkable.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2023, 02:01:22 pm by Maj. Bill Martin »

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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She's taking on more than a dozen Never Trumpers at a time who suddenly find courage to express hatred for a man who gave us an 'oasis' of 4 years from the ongoing destruction of our Republic.

That's a really odd thing to say.

Offline catfish1957

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That's a really odd thing to say.

And disingenuous as hell.  @DCPatriot  is a great baseball fan like us, but when we talk politics, we butt heads often.

Play Ball!!!!!
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She's taking on more than a dozen Never Trumpers at a time who suddenly find courage to express hatred for a man who gave us an 'oasis' of 4 years from the ongoing destruction of our Republic.

@DCPatriot  @Right_in_Virginia

Anymore I usually just read TBR without commenting. It’s evident to me no amount of facts or appeals to reason will dissuade some people from their hatred for president Trump—yes, that’s the word that fits, hatred.  And yes, you are right, DC.  I remember when some of these same people were expressing how wrong they were about Trump during his presidency because of his successes in pushing the country to the right.

I commend RiV’s fortitude for taking the slings and arrows for those of use who appreciate Trump but see no hope in the tide turning at TBR.

But, take heart, I still come to read the comments from the few Trump supporters here @sneakypete  @DCPatriot  @Right_in_Virginia and a few others who wander into the lion’s den.

Offline DefiantMassRINO

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GOP 2024 Presidential candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy, is doing a decent job representing fiscal conservativism in his TV appearances.
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Offline ScottinVA

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@DCPatriot  @Right_in_Virginia

Anymore I usually just read TBR without commenting. It’s evident to me no amount of facts or appeals to reason will dissuade some people from their hatred for president Trump—yes, that’s the word that fits, hatred.  And yes, you are right, DC.  I remember when some of these same people were expressing how wrong they were about Trump during his presidency because of his successes in pushing the country to the right.

I commend RiV’s fortitude for taking the slings and arrows for those of use who appreciate Trump but see no hope in the tide turning at TBR.

But, take heart, I still come to read the comments from the few Trump supporters here @sneakypete  @DCPatriot  @Right_in_Virginia and a few others who wander into the lion’s den.

I realize the devotion to Trump is absolute to the point of worship, but you might someday break through that fog of adoration and try to discern between reasoned criticism and hatred.  I for one supported Trump when he won the nomination in 2016, supported him again in 2020 and will again in 2024 if he wins the nomination again.  But he’s not my first choice; Governor DeSantis, who has proven an ability to get re-elected by a large margin by appealing to the broad cross-section of the electorate, is.  Trump has the gargantuan task of gaining back the suburban voters who simply don’t trust him, and there’s no indication he even understands the enormity of that task before him.

So, try to set that emotion aside and apply a bit of critical thinking.. it’d be good for you.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2023, 03:13:03 pm by ScottinVA »

Offline catfish1957

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@DCPatriot  @Right_in_Virginia

Anymore I usually just read TBR without commenting. It’s evident to me no amount of facts or appeals to reason will dissuade some people from their hatred for president Trump—yes, that’s the word that fits, hatred.  And yes, you are right, DC.  I remember when some of these same people were expressing how wrong they were about Trump during his presidency because of his successes in pushing the country to the right.

I commend RiV’s fortitude for taking the slings and arrows for those of use who appreciate Trump but see no hope in the tide turning at TBR.

But, take heart, I still come to read the comments from the few Trump supporters here @sneakypete  @DCPatriot  @Right_in_Virginia and a few others who wander into the lion’s den.

Talk about full frontal snowflake mode.  I remember you being the most brutal toward me back when I first joined TBR in '16 around my Cruz support, and how you and other among others dog-piled me relentlessly.

At least leave the hypocricy at home this time.

As far as RIV and DCP, I view them as valuable assets here.   There have been many times they share stuff that I go....   Hmmmm...  hadn't seen it that way.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2023, 02:21:09 pm by catfish1957 »
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

Online libertybele

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@DCPatriot  @Right_in_Virginia

Anymore I usually just read TBR without commenting. It’s evident to me no amount of facts or appeals to reason will dissuade some people from their hatred for president Trump—yes, that’s the word that fits, hatred.  And yes, you are right, DC.  I remember when some of these same people were expressing how wrong they were about Trump during his presidency because of his successes in pushing the country to the right.

I commend RiV’s fortitude for taking the slings and arrows for those of use who appreciate Trump but see no hope in the tide turning at TBR.

But, take heart, I still come to read the comments from the few Trump supporters here @sneakypete  @DCPatriot  @Right_in_Virginia and a few others who wander into the lion’s den.

@aligncare   Speaking for myself, I do NOT hate Trump.  I have praised him numerous times and I have stated that I felt he was a good president.  There are several things that he has done that I take issue with but that doesn't mean that I hate him.  Hate is a very strong word and I find it an insult to be accused that I hate Trump.  IMHO he took this country in a very positive direction. Yes, I absolutely believe that the election was stolen from him.  SCOTUS turned their backs on us and there is nothing that I or you can do about that.

Recently he has said some things that I take issue with and he is back to bullying which IMO as a past president is really cringe worthy. Trump going after conservatives is questionable especially since he is aligning himself with RINO's.  So... am I supposed to give him a free pass?  That, I'm not willing to do. BUT that doesn't mean I hate him.  I don't give any politician a free pass.

I cannot support Trump if he is going to align himself with RINO's while going after conservatives. His idea of futuristic cities quite frankly I find alarming and his comments have a 'socialistic' feel to them.  I can't support that.

As good as a president that I feel that he was, I cannot support him in his current frame of mind. I think all that he went through and put up with has finally gotten to him and secondly he is aging.  It's time to pass the MAGA movement on to someone else.

Just my opinion.  If you see this as hatred for Trump, then so be it.   
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline LMAO

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We don’t need to point out how we don’t hate Donald Trump, or that there were things he did in his presidency that were spot on. We have every right to critique what he did wrong during his presidency along with all this preposterous stuff he’s spewing out now

When you ask his supporters to defend some of this stuff, they won’t even answer,  they make you the issue, or they reply with rude, orange man

This future city nonsense and  paying people to have babies is ridiculous. It doesn’t matter who it comes from. This is “squad” type bullshit.

Everybody pointed example after  example where Trump’s city idea has resulted in failure, and his supporters still choose to remain blind. You’re never gonna convince them no matter how many examples you show them that this has failed. Instead of mocking people’s concerns, why don’t they point out where this has succeeded?

It’s time to quit coddling his supporters. This guy is running for another term determined outspend Biden with the full blessing of his supporters regardless of the consequences. All they do is regurgitate terms like “globalist, Paul Ryan, Karl Rove.”

You would think that the city idea would at least give them some pause.
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We don’t need to point out how we don’t hate Donald Trump, or that there were things he did in his presidency that were spot on. We have every right to critique what he did wrong during his presidency along with all this preposterous stuff he’s spewing out now

I am sure there are some very fine people on both sides.  :silly:

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I am sure there are some very fine people on both sides.  :silly:


If Donald Trump came out today, acknowledge his mistake in the spending department, and said that he will work with Congress to try to reduce the size of government, if elected, and the spending, I’d take a chance and vote for him again.

But he hasn’t.   In fact, he is getting much worse.
I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

Barry Goldwater

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Offline catfish1957

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If Donald Trump came out today, acknowledge his mistake in the spending department, and said that he will work with Congress to try to reduce the size of government, if elected, and the spending, I’d take a chance and vote for him again.

But he hasn’t.   In fact, he is getting much worse.

Or if his most loyal contingent would at least admit that they are with him 90% of the time, and not 100.00%, they'd get a lot more respect and would be taken more seriously.  Some defend him so blindly it is laughable.

I didn't even agree with Ronald Reagan 100% back in the day, and I had the self awareness to keep that level objectivity.
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@DCPatriot  @Right_in_Virginia

Anymore I usually just read TBR without commenting. It’s evident to me no amount of facts or appeals to reason will dissuade some people from their hatred for president Trump—yes, that’s the word that fits, hatred.  And yes, you are right, DC.  I remember when some of these same people were expressing how wrong they were about Trump during his presidency because of his successes in pushing the country to the right.

I commend RiV’s fortitude for taking the slings and arrows for those of use who appreciate Trump but see no hope in the tide turning at TBR.

But, take heart, I still come to read the comments from the few Trump supporters here @sneakypete  @DCPatriot  @Right_in_Virginia and a few others who wander into the lion’s den.

That's too bad @aligncare ... I have always enjoyed sparring with you.
But your idea of 'reason' and 'right' are very skewed when it comes to Tumpy.

He is not Conservative and never has been.
He is undeniably 'big government'
And every leftist thing GREW under Tumpy.

He did not push right, except in EOs, as a general rule.

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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I don't hate Trump, but I'll admit that I have come to despise him.

I voted for him in both 2016 and 2020.  However, the way he has conducted himself since the 2020 election has been almost a caricature of an unhinged politician.  From January 6 where he stupidly played right into the Democrats hands, right on through for the next two years.

But what made me shift from "I really don't like the guy but would still vote for him reluctantly in the general election" to "I despise him and will not vote for him again under any circumstances" has been his conduct the last six months - the juvenile and nasty attacks on an extremely popular sitting GOP governor, weirdo rants and sense of entitlement to the 2024 nomination, and policy positions I consider ridiculous - such as ending the Ukraine war in 24 hours and now this bizarre "Freedom cities" idea.

So while I don't know that man personally well enough to hate him, I do despise him in his capacity as a leader.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2023, 03:25:54 pm by Maj. Bill Martin »

Offline Kamaji

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I am sure there are some very fine people on both sides.  :silly:


Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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I think there are a lot of very well-meaning people who were so in love with the idea of what they thought Trump was that they cannot see what he has become.

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I think there are a lot of very well-meaning people who were so in love with the idea of what they thought Trump was that they cannot see what he has become.

Maybe I should clarify:  I was just laughing at @Lando Lincoln 's sly reference to the alleged comment about Charlottesville that DJT got raked over for.

As for the substance, I agree with it.  There are good people on both sides of the discussion.

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If Donald Trump came out today, acknowledge his mistake in the spending department, and said that he will work with Congress to try to reduce the size of government, if elected, and the spending, I’d take a chance and vote for him again.

NOPE. That horse left the barn long ago.

There is no way I will reward him for twenty friggin trillion dollars.
Even if he does say, "gee, I'm sorry..."
Putting my grands or great-grands in debt will not be overlooked.
He needs to step off.

Offline LMAO

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NOPE. That horse left the barn long ago.

There is no way I will reward him for twenty friggin trillion dollars.
Even if he does say, "gee, I'm sorry..."
Putting my grands or great-grands in debt will not be overlooked.
He needs to step off.

And you’re right

You keep preaching that limited government, fiscal conservatism regardless of the contempt you get from MAGAs. Because you’re right. And the consequence of anything else is dire
I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

Barry Goldwater

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I don't hate Trump, but I'll admit that I have come to despise him.

I don't hate anyone. Except maybe my ex sometimes, and I am working on that.
And I don't despise him either.

He is what he is.
And that is a bloviating chooch.
Which is alright with me if he was not claiming to be conservative, and bragging his ability to run the country... Which he cannot do - As proven.

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Anymore I usually just read TBR without commenting. It’s evident to me no amount of facts or appeals to reason will dissuade some people from their hatred for president Trump—yes, that’s the word that fits, hatred. 

Well, the thing is, some of us do rely on facts & reason, instead of tweets posted by catturd2, or "terminate the constitution." 

If you paid attention to Donald, you wouldn't like him either.

Offline catfish1957

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Well, the thing is, some of us do rely on facts & reason, instead of tweets posted by catturd2, or "terminate the constitution." 

If you paid attention to Donald, you wouldn't like him either.

It took awhile, but I figured at some point Trump would come out with something so outrageous and crazy that his disicplies would have to struggle to figure out how to defend him.  Took insane Trumpian futuristic cities with Jetson cars to finally 100% do it.

No one right of Bernie and AOC would accept this this level of crazy. 

I'd hoped some of them had finally seen the light, but......

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That's a really odd thing to say.

I'm speaking about posters who've essentially been mute for years...not the regulars who engage almost daily.

Go back on the threads savaging Pres Trump.  You'll see many 'stranger's you don't recognize or recall.
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Offline DefiantMassRINO

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I don't hate Trump.  I believe, since 2020, that he has demonstrated he is no longer fit for office.

A stable, prosperous, strong economy requires a stable government with stable leaders.

It's more risky to make long-term investment committments in America when Government policies can change with a Tweet.
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