Author Topic: Shocker?: Recent GOP Poll has Trump up only 5% on DeSantis  (Read 2054 times)

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Offline sneakypete

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Re: Shocker?: Recent GOP Poll has Trump up only 5% on DeSantis
« Reply #25 on: January 18, 2023, 04:35:56 pm »
Got news for you Pete, America was in deep doodoo the day Biden won/stole the 2020 election.  And we were in deep  doodoo when the election was fixed for Obama, which I am certain happened in 2012.  As long as we have electronic voting, we will have fixed elections.  George Soros owns all the companies that tabulate the elections in the USA and in all the countries of Europe. 


Trump was the fly in the ointment, as was BREXIT.  Trump and BREXIT upset the globalist agenda for one unified government.  It is the globalists that control Washington.  One man could not fight them, and he did not know who to trust other than family, and even they are turning on him now.  McCarthy and McConnell are both globalists, and Trump backed McCarthy.  Does that make any sense to anyone here?

Discussing the future of Nikki Haley in national politics is laughable.  What the hell did she ever accomplish? 

And Pence nuked his political future with his actions before, on, and after January 6th.  There are many choices he could have made, and he made all the wrong choices.  His political career is over, unless he wants to be mayor of some city in Indiana, or perhaps run for the senate representing Indiana.  But I say he makes a run in 2024, and he is a 1 percenter.  Haley will be a single digit candidate too.

And Ron DeSantis is a brilliant politician.  He would never come out resolutely and declare he is not running in 2024.  Trump could die a half dozen different ways between now and the time to declare a presidential campaign.   He will be 78, the average life expectancy of humans in the USA.  He could die a natural death, plane crash, car crash, many different things.  A golf ball could hit him in the head on a course and end him.  Ever been hit by a golf ball?  I have, and it smarts as all get out, and that was in the leg.  Imagine being hard hit in the head.

And if you listen to the truthers out there, they talk about attempts on Trump's life with some regularity.  And yet, not one word in the media.  So, there is no guarantee of what the future holds.  Heck, Iran just issued out a warrant for Trump, which probably means they have a couple death squads headed this way.

Bottomline, it doesn't matter who runs for the Republicans.  The Dems will fix the election again...and again...and again...and again.  The day of free elections are over until the moment the general population wake up.  And that just isn't going to happen.  We could suffer with two more years of bad inflation, and the Dems will fix the election again.  Narrowly winning the elections they need to retain control.

And without an honest media, no one out there will be working to end the destruction of our republic.  Don't hold your breath for the cowardly Republicans.  They will do nothing because the ones in control are globalists.

I will say it again and again:



So,what are your suggestions,that we bend over,grab our ankles and hope our masters are gentle?

MY solution is to vote for a geezer that can ONLY be in office for 4 years,is an outsider that doesn't owe any favors to anyone,and who cares about nothing more than he cares about how he is written about in the history books.

Frankly,someone like that is our ONLY chance to turn things around. Get a conventional politician,and they owe too many favors and there are too many other politicians that know about them for her or her to take over the WH and become a "corruption death star" to the professional traitors we now have holding high public office.

Once the top tier are forced out of office,THEN we can begin to make some of the changes that need to be made if we are to have ANY hope of remaining a free people.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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Re: Shocker?: Recent GOP Poll has Trump up only 5% on DeSantis
« Reply #26 on: January 18, 2023, 04:37:15 pm »
The problem trump has is a lack of clear policies. He went into the last election basically saying look what we did, instead of look what we are going to do. Ron seems like the kind of guy that will clearly outline an agenda and execute it. And he doesn’t have nearly as much baggage.

It’s time for a grown up to enter the White House, without any baggage.


You are delusional,and doing nothing more than babbling mindless slogans you heard someone else utter.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2023, 04:38:04 pm by sneakypete »
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!