Author Topic: News Explodes That Donald Trump Ate Dinner With White Nationalist Nick Fuentes  (Read 4577 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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Yes, but the claim is nobody knew anything about the stranger that he dined with... Which isn't credible.


Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Yes, but the claim is nobody knew anything about the stranger that he dined with... Which isn't credible.

Why? @DB

A 24 year old 'friend' is brought as a guest ----- without advanced notice or permission.  Once the vetters scrambled and found the kid and what he's been saying, they were asked to leave.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2022, 09:32:23 pm by Right_in_Virginia »

Online goatprairie

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He'll get away with it.

There is nothing that he can do that will cause his base, which still, like it or not, makes up a huge chunk of the Republican Party (enough to have a lock on the primary process) and will utterly refuse to listen to anyone, anything, or any entity that speaks negatively of the man, to abandon him.

The Trump movement has never been about anything except a cult of personality, and anything to the contrary is nothing more than an excuse.
"The Trump movement has never been about anything except a cult of personality"

I've said the same thing and have gotten excoriated for it. I've never seen any politician get the adoration Trump got from his cult. Not even Obama.
I thought conservative Republicans would be immune to idolizing any politician and excusing mistakes and bad actions.
I was wrong. Trump's cult might be diminishing, but it's still there. He still has many diehards who think he can win in 2024. He'd get whipped worse than he did in 2020. Far worse.

Online goatprairie

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Nick Fuentes?
A "white nationalist"?
Never heard of him.

Now if Mr. Trump would really like to be educated on White Nationalism, he ought to host dinner with gentlemen like Jared Taylor and Gregory Hood...
What is he going to learn from those two? Separating the races is a good idea?

Online cato potatoe

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It's amaing how little you are aware of........and proudly so.   :laugh:

Do tell, o wise trumplady.  Thus far, we know Donald is mildly frustrated with anti-Semite Kanye ... for daring to suggest Trump should be his #2.  I have not read any comments from Trump on Fuentes, other than he doesn't know who he is (sort of like he developed amnesia with David Duke).

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Why? @DB

A 24 year old 'friend' is brought as a guest ----- without advanced notice or permission.  Once the vetters scrambled and found the kid and what he's been saying, they were asked to leave.
...and there it is. Took that long to get your talking points, huh? Man, things are slipping.
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Offline DefiantMassRINO

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@DefiantMassRINO The correct term is Catholic. I hear rumors that your bigotry is still tolerated/ welcomed at TOS.

Rumors?  What is this, High School?  If aspersions are to be cast, please attribute them to their source by name.

I have been repremanded by a moderator for my comment.

The moderators do not tolerate bigotry and personal attacks.  They try to walk the razor's edge between civility and censorship and cancel culture.  I have been reprimanded, and appropriately so.  The moderators do not deserve to be cast with asperions of tolerating bigotry.

What someone else thinks of me is none of my business.

I am Irish Catholic.  I am aware that Papist is a historical perjeorative slur against Catholic by nativist Protestant bigots.

I was raised amongst an Irish-American community that was historically targeted by nativist Protestant bigots for violence and discrimination - Irish Need Not Apply.

That community uses self-depricating humor when referencing histocic nativist Protestant bigotry.

I was baptized Catholic.  I received First Penance and First Communion.  I chose not to be Confirmed because of my conscientious disagreement with Catholic dogma and conduct of Catholic hierarchy.  I attended a parochial grammar school run by the Sisters of St. Joseph for 8 years.  I attended a Catholic highschool run by the Jesuits for 4 years.

Often, accusations of bigtory, racism, homophobia, xeonphobia, transphobia, etc., are made by opponents of conservatism to stifle debate and discusion of contentious social, political, and economic issues.  Opponents of conservatism attempt to limit and control language so they can also limit and control discussion, debate, thought, and opinion.

The forum and its moderators allow me the rope with which I may rhetorically hang myself.  My comments are reflection of me, and only me; not them.

I will add "Papist" to my list of no-no words to no longer cause offense.

I was attempting to make the point that white nativist Protestants bigots, ironically, might consider Mr. Fuentes to not be "white" enough because of his lineage and faith.  This also makes Mr. Fuentes a hypocrite because he does not meet the traditional membership requirements of the hateful communities that he evangelizes.  In short, Mr. Fuentes is not white enough nor Protestant enough to be a traditional White Supremacist or a White Nationalist.


« Last Edit: December 01, 2022, 12:36:56 am by DefiantMassRINO »
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How is it Trump has no security to find out who's coming into his home for dinner? That's a major failure all by itself.

Trump was advised by security and he rebuffed their advice. 
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I was baptized Catholic.
@DefiantMassRINO Then start acting like it. And for the record anyone with an IQ above room temperature was not a shot at the mods.
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Whether or not it was a set up, did Trump really think that a complete stranger who he knew nothing about was just paying him a friendly visit?  That's quite a dangerous assumption, especially being the ever so popular past-president that he is. 

Frankly, I'm much more interested in the 5 Secret Service rental cars that blew up.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Jack Posobiec

We brought two uninvited guests to dinner at Mar-a-Lago

11:00 AM · Dec 4, 2022