Author Topic: News Explodes That Donald Trump Ate Dinner With White Nationalist Nick Fuentes  (Read 4576 times)

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News Explodes That Donald Trump Ate Dinner With White Nationalist Nick Fuentes
By Bonchie | 12:30 PM on November 25, 2022

Ask me how much I’d like to not be writing this piece right now. Yet, the news doesn’t stop just because I don’t like it, and the internet is now ablaze with confirmation that Donald Trump had dinner with white nationalist Nick Fuentes.

Fuentes showed up on Tuesday at Mar-a-Lago with Kanye West (or Ye or whatever). As I shared in another recent piece, West put out a “debrief” describing his meeting with the former president, including an accusation that Trump badmouthed Kim Kardashian and praised Fuentes. Still, I was wishing that the reports of the white nationalist actually being there were false.

Unfortunately, they aren’t.


    This source is wrong. Nick Fuentes in fact did have dinner with Trump and Kanye at Mar-a-Lago and spoke directly with the former president, per sources with direct knowledge. Story to come on @axios.

    — Jonathan Swan (@jonathanvswan) November 25, 2022

There are very few mainstream media reporters I take at their word, but Jonathan Swan is one of them. If he says this happened, it happened. Besides, we already knew that Fuentes was with Kanye that night because it was on video. I had just hoped that maybe he was left in the parking lot or something.

The failure points here are almost too plentiful to keep up with. For starters, does Trump not have any staffers around him? Did none of them see Fuentes and think “maybe we should throw up a red flag on this” in an attempt to stop this dinner from occurring? It’s one thing to sit down with Kanye, who is struggling with mental illness and has a prior relationship with the former president. It’s another to have dinner with (and allegedly praise) a freaking white supremacist who denies the Holocaust.

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Trump Dined at Mar-a-Lago with White Nationalist, Holocaust Denier Nick Fuentes Alongside Kanye West; UPDATE – Trump Responds, ‘Had Never Met and Knew Nothing About’ Fuentes

Jerome Hudson and Matthew Boyle25 Nov 20223,503

UPDATE: After the publication of this article, Trump’s campaign provided Breitbart News with this statement from President Trump: “Kanye West very much wanted to visit Mar-a-Lago. Our dinner meeting was intended to be Kanye and me only, but he arrived with a guest whom I had never met and knew nothing about.”

Kanye West released screenshots of text messages and a video after his dinner Tuesday night at Mar-a-Lago with former President Donald Trump that suggest in addition to dining with the rapper this week, the former president met with an openly white nationalist and Holocaust denier named Nick Fuentes.

In the video discussing the dinner the day after, West claims: “Trump is really impressed with Nick Fuentes.”

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What the hell has happened to this country?  I remember when White Supremacists were Protestant and had less ethnic-sounding names, like Robert Byrd and David Duke.

To think the White Supremacy movement has lowered its purity standards to include Papists of Mexican descent.  Is there no W.A.S.P. shame?

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Trump in damage control mode after dinner with white nationalist

Former President Donald Trump responded after receiving backlash for dining with white nationalist Nick Fuentes at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida on Tuesday, saying he "didn’t know Nick Fuentes."

Trump called the dinner "quick and uneventful," saying he "got along great" with Kanye West, who reportedly brought the white nationalist as his dinner guest. He added that the rapper "expressed no anti-Semitism."

"We got along great, he expressed no anti-Semitism, & I appreciated all of the nice things he said about me on 'Tucker Carlson.' Why wouldn’t I agree to meet?" he wrote on Truth Social of West, who now goes by Ye.

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Offline Smokin Joe

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Maybe I'm missing something, but does "White nationalist" equal "White supremacist"?

According to Wiki,the answer isn't straightforward, and there is overlap, but the two are only the same thing depending on the person who espouses beliefs using the term.

The media, of course, willfully uses the terms interchangeably, even when the people they are talking about are no more racist than any other group of people wanting to preserve their cultural norms and customs.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2022, 02:18:31 pm by Smokin Joe »
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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Maybe I'm missing something, but does "White nationalist" equal "White supremacist"?

Uhhh, yeah, white nationalists generally see whites as inferior to everyone else. 

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Uhhh, yeah, white nationalists generally see whites as inferior to everyone else.
Well, let me put it this way.

I'm "white". Big surprise.
I am all for preserving the traditions and culture I grew up in.
I don't want Sharia law, I don't like hip-hop/rap, and while I like food from a wide variety of cultures, I must note that lutefisk did not make the hit list, any more than tamales (too starchy for me), although I'd eat tamales before i ate lutefisk again.

That said, and being a straight, Christian, white male, I must observe there is a cultural war being waged against all four of those facets of my existence. Preserving my own culture and traditions is not claiming necessarily that they are the very best of everything, or that I should rule the world, just that I believe that, in a country whose legal and philosophical foundations were laid by people of my ilk, I would prefer to see those traditions upheld.

I don't want to enslave or own anyone, or force anyone to do things my way, but it's nice not being on the sh*t end of the cultural stick, either. The best way to have that is to have a country that upholds those values. That's one of the reasons Israel was formed, to do the same for the Jewish people, because they had suffered so much oppression elsewhere. I just don't want my culture to be subjected to the same depredations, hence believe in a justice system and Constitution founded on the basis of Western European philosophies, and Christian thought.

In a sense, because I believe the world would be poorer for the lack of that, I suppose I am a nationalist, and though my cultural ties to my genetics factor in, I an no racist, I just believe the results of that heritage, when implemented as intended, are superior to what other countries have and want to preserve that.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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All I know about this Nick Fuentes as he was saying in a recent video we should elect Trump and make him dictator, which is idiotic. Also he looks like he's 10 years old.

I'm not optimistic about 2024 at this point. Even if we pick someone like Desantis, Trump will be a major distraction along the way...

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Well, let me put it this way.

I'm "white". Big surprise.
I am all for preserving the traditions and culture I grew up in.
I don't want Sharia law, I don't like hip-hop/rap, and while I like food from a wide variety of cultures, I must note that lutefisk did not make the hit list, any more than tamales (too starchy for me), although I'd eat tamales before i ate lutefisk again.

That said, and being a straight, Christian, white male, I must observe there is a cultural war being waged against all four of those facets of my existence. Preserving my own culture and traditions is not claiming necessarily that they are the very best of everything, or that I should rule the world, just that I believe that, in a country whose legal and philosophical foundations were laid by people of my ilk, I would prefer to see those traditions upheld.

I don't want to enslave or own anyone, or force anyone to do things my way, but it's nice not being on the sh*t end of the cultural stick, either. The best way to have that is to have a country that upholds those values. That's one of the reasons Israel was formed, to do the same for the Jewish people, because they had suffered so much oppression elsewhere. I just don't want my culture to be subjected to the same depredations, hence believe in a justice system and Constitution founded on the basis of Western European philosophies, and Christian thought.

In a sense, because I believe the world would be poorer for the lack of that, I suppose I am a nationalist, and though my cultural ties to my genetics factor in, I an no racist, I just believe the results of that heritage, when implemented as intended, are superior to what other countries have and want to preserve that.

Whatever, chief.  White nationalists are bigots and supremacists.  If you what to play cute little rhetorical games to justify it, so be it.  Mr. Fuentes is also an antisemite and a Holocaust denier, so he’s not just some dude who’s proud of his roots. 

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Trump has an apparent weakness for the extreme right conspiracy crowd: q-Anon, Proud Boys, etc.  What I see is that Trump apparently believes these folks are his biggest supporters, and they may well be.  But they are also baggage that prevents him from being able to appeal to mainstream Americans, and even some Republicans.

These characters on the far right have always been an anvil around the neck of the GOP. I do not think these kooks need to be shed completely (after all, the Dems would never shed their leftist kooks). But they need to be kept at a distance. Trump seems to be tone deaf when it comes to these people.

That said, it looks like he was played by Kanye here.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2022, 04:11:48 pm by massadvj »

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Trump has an apparent weakness for the extreme right conspiracy crowd: q-Anon, Proud Boys, etc.  What I see is that Trump apparently believes these folks are his biggest supporters, and they may well be.  But they are also baggage that prevents him from being able to appeal to mainstream Americans, and even some Republicans.

These characters on the far right have always been an anvil around the neck of the GOP. I do not think these kooks need to be shed completely (after all, the Dems would never shed their leftist kooks). But they need to kept at a distance. Trump seems to be tone deaf when it comes to these people.

That said, it looks like he was played by Kanye here.

Trump has to have major security that would have vetted anyone entering his home.

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Trump has to have major security that would have vetted anyone entering his home.

You would be surprised. In Trump's case, the Secret Service is not going to warn him about Fuentes being a white nationalist, so long as he is no security threat. In fact, they probably let him straight in, knowing the political scandal it would cause.  The Democrat Party has corrupted all federal law enforcement, including and especially the detail around Trump. You can be sure of that.

Trump being a notorious cheapskate, he probably still relies on the Secret Service. But they are not going to protect Trump from himself.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2022, 04:10:02 pm by massadvj »

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It's well known on this forum that I am not a Trump fan, but I don't think Trump is a racist or a hater. He's just so obsessed with himself that he allows himself to be played by scoundrels like West and Fuentes who shine up to him.
How Trump cannot realize that associating with anti-Semites and white supremacists hurts him is unfathomable.  :shrug:

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Trump faces backlash for hosting dinner with white supremacist Nick Fuentes: ‘Unacceptable conduct’

Former President Donald Trump has been roundly criticized for having dinner this week with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes, a white supremacist leader and Holocaust denier.

Trump hosted the pair at his home Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla., the former president confirmed in a post on Truth Social. Downplaying the encounter, he said the rapper, now known as Ye, “unexpectedly showed up with three of his friends, whom I knew nothing about."

“We had dinner on Tuesday evening with many members present on the back patio. The dinner was quick and uneventful. They then left for the airport,” Trump posted.

According to Trump, Ye asked him for business advice and the two “got along great.” He said Ye “expressed no anti-Semitism, & I appreciated all of the nice things he said about me on ‘Tucker Carlson.’.........
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Well, let me put it this way.

I'm "white". Big surprise.
I am all for preserving the traditions and culture I grew up in.
I don't want Sharia law, I don't like hip-hop/rap, and while I like food from a wide variety of cultures, I must note that lutefisk did not make the hit list, any more than tamales (too starchy for me), although I'd eat tamales before i ate lutefisk again.

That said, and being a straight, Christian, white male, I must observe there is a cultural war being waged against all four of those facets of my existence. Preserving my own culture and traditions is not claiming necessarily that they are the very best of everything, or that I should rule the world, just that I believe that, in a country whose legal and philosophical foundations were laid by people of my ilk, I would prefer to see those traditions upheld.

I don't want to enslave or own anyone, or force anyone to do things my way, but it's nice not being on the sh*t end of the cultural stick, either. The best way to have that is to have a country that upholds those values. That's one of the reasons Israel was formed, to do the same for the Jewish people, because they had suffered so much oppression elsewhere. I just don't want my culture to be subjected to the same depredations, hence believe in a justice system and Constitution founded on the basis of Western European philosophies, and Christian thought.

In a sense, because I believe the world would be poorer for the lack of that, I suppose I am a nationalist, and though my cultural ties to my genetics factor in, I an no racist, I just believe the results of that heritage, when implemented as intended, are superior to what other countries have and want to preserve that.

I'm white too. And I really don't give a sh*t about any culture but my own either, with the exception I suppose, of native elements that I see as natural or complimentary to my culture, and whatever Canuck influences that bleed across the border (which is about the same thing), and whatever Latino that blows up this way from the Desert Southwest... Of course I prefer what I know.

That also comes with a strong sense of pride in this nation, and her accomplishments.
I would even suggest that the white culture that has spawned the US in all its variety, namely Western Civ, and the Christianity that drives it is provably superior to other other cultures, at least in its ability to make men free and lift them far above the poverty that has plagued mankind throughout its history.

I guess that makes me a white nationalist and white supremacist, huh?

Of course the opposite of  that, which seems to be all the rage, is to necessarily deny those proofs, and the God that stands behind them, to embrace lesser cultures that have no such proofs, and the gods that hide behind secular humanism instead... Or to falsely embrace a different culture that is not my own. All of which, any of which, would be an absurdity.

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Whatever, chief.  White nationalists are bigots and supremacists.  If you what to play cute little rhetorical games to justify it, so be it.  Mr. Fuentes is also an antisemite and a Holocaust denier, so he’s not just some dude who’s proud of his roots.
So he is part of the overlap.

I'm not antisemetic, and I hate no one, but I'm  making neither apologies for nor concessions in my heritage. It's the one that produced things like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

You do you, I'll do me.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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So he is part of the overlap.

I'm not antisemetic, and I hate no one, but I'm  making neither apologies for nor concessions in my heritage. It's the one that produced things like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

You do you, I'll do me.

Whatever assuages your ego, chief.

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It's well known on this forum that I am not a Trump fan, but I don't think Trump is a racist or a hater. He's just so obsessed with himself that he allows himself to be played by scoundrels like West and Fuentes who shine up to him.
How Trump cannot realize that associating with anti-Semites and white supremacists hurts him is unfathomable.  :shrug:

Plus, unlike Biden or any Democrat, he has a hostile media waiting to pounce on every misstep he takes.
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So he is part of the overlap.

I'm not antisemetic, and I hate no one, but I'm  making neither apologies for nor concessions in my heritage. It's the one that produced things like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

You do you, I'll do me.

I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

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Lol, after Kanye West asked Trump to be HIS VP, I am sure things didn't go well... and even Kanyee is admitting Trump got loud after that happened...

I always said K.W. was a loose cannon that should be avoided, but some Trumpist played along with Trump's dream of being popular and tolerated West.... Now we have K.W. in cahoots with Nick Fuentes... just wow... what was Trump thinking (other than about himself).

Only the best... yet I imagine about 99% of these social media "stars" are fully nuts and full of themselves almost as much as Trump is.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2022, 08:06:30 am by Sighlass »
Exodus 18:21 Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders over ....

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Fuentes is misguided, and I he grows out of it, but Trump’s handlers should have known who he was.  Donald clearly lacks the ability to distance himself from his white supremacist fringe.  He is too elderly and insulated by yes-men to understand why this a problem. 

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I guess a public figure should only talk with those that agree with them.. Seems to me that is how we got here...

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He'll get away with it.

There is nothing that he can do that will cause his base, which still, like it or not, makes up a huge chunk of the Republican Party (enough to have a lock on the primary process) and will utterly refuse to listen to anyone, anything, or any entity that speaks negatively of the man, to abandon him.

The Trump movement has never been about anything except a cult of personality, and anything to the contrary is nothing more than an excuse.
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