Author Topic: The Putrid Rot Now Known As The Party Of The Democrats  (Read 176 times)

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The Putrid Rot Now Known As The Party Of The Democrats
« on: October 14, 2022, 02:57:57 pm »
The Post & Email by  Joseph DeMaio 10/13/2022

More often than not…, actually, almost always…, your humble servant’s offerings here at The P&E seek to expose and lampoon the hypocrisy, perfidy and violence now being deployed against the Republic.  The assailants include the Left, the radicals and academic speech and thought storm troopers and their enablers and protectors in an unprincipled mass and social media propaganda apparatus that Josef Goebbels would envy.

However, the First Prize for malevolence and enmity for the United States must be reserved for those people in positions of governmental power and, in particular, those with a “D” behind their names.  That’s right, Virginia, the Democrats, now drunk (some literally) with the power of official governmental imprimatur, are engaging in a last gasp attempt to collapse the “shining city on a hill” before their time at the helm runs out.

With apologies for repeating the abuse of dead horses, it is your servant’s reasoned opinion that there can no longer be any principled argument refuting the conclusion that Democrats holding governmental office, along with their supporters who voted for them, have forever – as in “perpetually” – forfeited any claim of competence or right to govern a free people in a constitutional republic.

Their acts and omissions, particularly from and after the plainly compromised 2020 general election, leave no room for debate.  Quite apart from the myriad catastrophes resulting from the installation of an addled and incompetent marionette in the Oval Office, the additional hits from other Democrats across the nation just keep coming.
