Author Topic: Hiring Formerly Incarcerated People Is Good, Actually  (Read 1611 times)

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Offline roamer_1

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Re: Hiring Formerly Incarcerated People Is Good, Actually
« Reply #25 on: September 18, 2022, 04:16:35 am »
For the most part I agree, anything that clouds one's judgement more is not helpful. Accidents happen, we are human... but now days we have states making it easier for more accidents to occur due to their coddling of drugs to the masses (easy prescriptions or decriminalization of certain drugs). Several studies have came out on the rate of increased wrecks in states that legalized drugs, far as I can surmise, none of the stats were good.

I guess all of us can google "Legalized drugs increased accidents" and read the reports.


In part that is because the law is playing catch-up. For a while DUI only included alcohol - Now anything that causes impairment qualifies - which is closer to fair. The act of driving while intoxicated is the real problem (rather than the act of getting intoxicated).

However, the problem will never go away, as intoxication alters the very places in the brain that cause judgement and inhibition - altering the primary inputs toward self-preservation and caution. It really does not matter what the punishment is, nor any risk, because inside the drug addled mind, those things don't matter. It has ever been thus, and is why people mess up their lives so very badly with intoxicants of any kind... Add to that their addictive qualities and there ya go - an impossible trap that I BARELY missed. And I do mean barely.

Perhaps that is why I tend to be more forgiving - But for the grace of God, there go I.
That is not mercy against any act - Dues must be paid - I get that.