Author Topic: House Democrats pass $739B Manchin-Schumer spending and tax increase bill  (Read 402 times)

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August 12, 2022 5:42pm EDT
House Democrats pass $739B Manchin-Schumer spending and tax increase bill
The measure now heads to President Biden's desk for signature
By Haris Alic | Fox News

    House Democrats passed on Friday a $739 billion climate change, tax hike, and healthcare bill, giving President Biden's domestic agenda a boost at a time of record high inflation and low presidential job approval numbers.

In a 220-to-207 vote, the House voted along party lines to approve the legislation. Every single Democrat supported the bill in the face of opposition from all Republicans except three who did not vote.

"Today is really a glorious day for us," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. "We send to the president's desk a monumental bill that will be truly for the people."

Republicans vehemently opposed the bill, arguing its provisions will worsen the U.S. economy and impose new burdens on American workers.

"Remember this day," said House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif. "When Democrats jammed through a 700-page bill that raises your taxes and doubles the size of the IRS."


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I am so depressed..I just feel like crying...what a day! :crying:
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Spend, spend, spend, spend, spend.  22222frying pan
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CBO Reveals How Bad the Manchin-Schumer Bill Is While Parliamentarian Stomps on Dems' Dreams
By Nick Arama | Aug 12, 2022 6:00 PM ET

Turns out there was a reason that the Democrats were trying to rush through the Manchin-Schumer deal before the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) fully scored what the impact of the bill was going to be.

The Senate has already approved the bill and the House is expected to vote on it on Friday. About 35 percent of the House will be voting remotely.

    The CBO said on Thursday that it needs more time to fully score the current Senate-passed version of the bill but it’s been scheduled for a House vote anyway.

    “Given the scope of the amendments to title I, Committee on Finance, CBO expects that it will be a few weeks before we can fully analyze and estimate those budgetary effects, at which point we will provide a complete cost estimate for the legislation,” CBO Director Phillip Swagel wrote on Thursday in a letter to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee.

But the CBO is busting the lie about not raising taxes one penny on people making less than $400,000. The GOP proposed an amendment regarding people making less than $400,000 that said they would be protected from the impact of the bill.

The CBO said that they had “not completed a point estimate of this amendment but the preliminary assessment indicates that amendment 5404 would reduce the ‘non-scorable’ revenues resulting from the provisions of section 10301 by at least $20 billion over the FY2022-FY2031 period.”

In other words, the CBO is saying the Biden/Manchin/Schumer monstrosity bill anticipates grabbing $20 billion from lower and middle-class people. So much for the claim that this is just going after the billionaires. It’s never just “billionaires,” just like it’s never lupus on the television show, “House.” It’s always a lie that it’s going to be limited. So this is the official confirmation the Biden team is lying. The Democrats refused to pass the amendment to protect lower and middle-class Americans.

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