Author Topic: McConnell Confident He Will Be Re-Elected Leader — ‘If Anybody Wants to Challenge Me, Have at It’  (Read 396 times)

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McConnell Confident He Will Be Re-Elected Leader — ‘If Anybody Wants to Challenge Me, Have at It’

Jeff Poor 3 Aug 2022

Wednesday, during an appearance on FNC’s “Special Report,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) predicted with confidence he would be reelected as Republican leader of the U.S. Senate, regardless if his party wins the majority or remains in the minority after the November midterm elections.

McConnell told “Special Report” anchor Bret Baier that challengers could “have at it.”

Partial transcript as follows:

    BAIER: Senator, you’re losing some of your most trusted lieutenants. Rob Portman, Pat Toomey Richard Burr. You could be looking, as I mentioned, J.D. Vance, Mehmet Oz, Ted Budd.

    You have Trump-loyal Republicans like Eric Schmitt, who just won in Missouri, Blake Masters in Arizona. And some of those candidates have refused to say on the trail that they would back you as leader.

    Is that the new face of a Trumpified Republican Party? And are you the guy to lead that in the Senate?


    Well, look at it this way. I have been elected eight times without opposition. If I have an opponent, I don’t own this job. And there’s always an election every two years for leader. If anybody wants to challenge me, have at it.

    BAIER: If you don’t win the majority, are you still going to be leader?

    MCCONNELL: I am.
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He literally thinks he's entitled to it, thinks he's done something to deserve it.

And the worst part is all the minions willing to put him right back there.

Till the GOP gets their leadership in order this is what we get.
The Republic is lost.

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"Have at it" means the same thing as "Go ahead" when your wife says it to you.

McConnell's machine will destroy anybody who takes him up on it.  It's been Turtle's SOP for years.
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If you mess with the Swamp Turtle, you get the shell.

I could see Ted Cruz challenging Mitch.
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"Have at it" means the same thing as "Go ahead" when your wife says it to you.

McConnell's machine will destroy anybody who takes him up on it.  It's been Turtle's SOP for years.

The only one that I know of that beat him at his own game was Cruz. (Based on his autobio "A Time For Truth). Also Cruz was the only one to point fingers at Mitch for lying; he did so on the floor of the Senate.

McConnell's machine needs to come to a grinding halt. Mitch is in his 7th term and is 80 years old....the inevitable will eventually happen.  No one is immortal. There is definitely something to be said for term limits.
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