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Offline pookie18

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Today's Toons 4/4/11
« on: April 04, 2011, 09:25:56 am »
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In Case You Missed It Dept.:

Democrat Congressman Anthony Weiner - one of Obamacare's biggest cheerleaders - is now seeking a waiver for his district in New York City. Sorta like a rat deserting a sinking ship and asking for his own lifeboat.

In a recent op-ed, Michelle Obama said the Obamacare law will help parents raise a generation of "happy and healthy kids." Those kids won't be so happy when they find out how much this will cost.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the U.S. won’t enter into the internal conflict in Syria the way it has in Libya. Oh, so Obama's going to go in with a plan?

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is complaining that language in the Bible should be more "animal-friendly". Great. I can't wait to read about Moses cursing Egypt with a plague of tofu.

Former President Jimmy Carter plans to visit Cuba at the invitation of their President, Raul Castro. Pure propaganda. Castro just wants to be able to tell people, "See? You could have a worse President".

Obama's Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough said of the President's Libya policy, "we don’t make decisions like that based on consistency or precedent". Common sense ain't got much of a hand in it, either.

Press Secretary Jay Carney denied Libya's opposition groups had terrorist ties, describing them as "organic". Organic... that's that kind of farming where the pile manure on everything, right?

The EU's latest crazy green plan is to ban all gasoline-powered cars by 2050. Ya know, it's getting to the point where anyone could conquer Europe, as long as they did it on a cloudy day with no wind.

At a recent town hall meeting, President Obama said that too much testing makes education "boring". That'd be a shame, because we want kids to be excited about their bad test scores.

Turns out that President Obama scheduled his Libya speech to avoid interrupting "Dancing With The Stars". Must be greasing the skids for a guest spot after he leaves office.

A Department of Justice investigation has cleared the department of wrongdoing over dropping the Black Panther voter-intimidation case. I haven't seen a whitewash like this since Tom Sawyer's fence.

Because of a regulation change by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act, over half of American workers could now be considered "disabled". Watch for the rest to be considered "disgruntled".

Former UN Ambassador John Bolton called Obama's Libya speech "a dog's breakfast". I respect John Bolton, but he went too far this time. What kind of monster would feed something like that to his dog?

President Obama accepted an award for government transparency - in a meeting that was closed to both press and public. I swear, if this man ever gets in a car crash, they'll give him a prize for traffic safety.

The town of Munson, Ohio is taking the word "Easter" out of its annual Easter Egg Hunt in order to avoid offending non-Christians. While they're at it, they should probably change the town's name to "Munchild" to avoid sounding sexist.

On the Senate floor, Majority Leader Harry Reid said "the country doesn't care much about the Tea Party". That's true. Except, you know, during protest rallies, primaries, and elections.

President Obama said that slogans like "drill, baby, drill" are just "gimmicks". Uh huh. So what was "Hope and Change", besides something more typically found in cow pastures?
  -- Fred Thompson

Reagan National Airport's control tower went silent Thursday after an air traffic controller fell asleep in the tower. The pilots were on their own. All they had for guidance was President Obama's statement that we must protect the civilians in Libya.

Hillary Clinton announced on television Thursday that the U.S. would cede authority in Libya to NATO after U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice demanded that Moammar Khadaffi step down. The president allowed them to take the lead on this. The Obama administration considers war a last resort, and women's work.

President Obama insisted Friday that his military intention in Libya is for humanitarian aid and not for regime change. It didn't affect his poll numbers one way or the other. President Obama's approval rating stays in the forties like it's a rent-controlled apartment.

Jimmy Carter flew to Cuba Monday to obtain the release of a U.S. contractor jailed for setting up an illegal website. You can't make it up. We now live in a world where Lindsay Lohan's sober, the French are winning a war and Jimmy Carter's getting hostages released.

Barack Obama gave an address to the nation on Libya Monday at the War College. He really put his act back together in a hurry. Last week he flew home from Latin America to find the Oval Office locked, and for one awful second he thought it was next year already.

Senate Democrats urged Moammar Khadaffi to step down from power Sunday and leave the country. He's had hair implants, he gets botox injections and he keeps a string of mistresses on the side. You'd think Congress would spare him out of professional courtesy.

Somali pirates seized an oil tanker and its crew off the Horn of Africa Monday. Their timing was just terrible. Hours later they heard the Obama Doctrine, which requires U.S. action whenever innocent civilians are in danger from an oil well that's about to blow.

Barack Obama told America Monday our own future is brighter if more of mankind can live with the bright light of freedom. It sounded vaguely familiar. Now that the chairman of GE is a presidential adviser, every speech sounds like a light bulb commercial.

President Obama ordered cruise missile attacks on Libyan missile sites Monday. Last year he fortified Iraq, surged in Afghanistan, attacked Pakistan with drones and now Libya. It was just a matter of time before he realized the Nobel Peace Prize was an insult to his manhood.

President Obama gave a speech in Washington Wednesday about the need to convert from oil to renewable energy before the oil runs out. Americans are sick of hearing about it. By the time the United States of America runs out of oil it'll be Greater Mexico's problem.

Donald Trump called a press conference Tuesday and repeated his demand to see the president's birth certificate. Reporters ridicule him for always bringing it up. You won't know that he's right until we invade Kenya and make it a state, retroactive to 1960.

Lindsay Lohan announced Tuesday she will drop her last name and simply go by the name Lindsay. It's a PR ploy that works sometimes. Moammar Khadaffi might get the U.S. and Britain to stop trying to overthrow him if he'd change his name to The Devil You Know.

Hillary Clinton promised Congress Wednesday that the U.S. will not supply arms to the rebels in Libya now that it appears al-Qaeda has joined the insurgency against Khadaffi. It would be chaos. Imagine al-Qaeda's embarrassment when they used U.S.-made shoulder-fired anti-aircraft weapons to shoot down an airliner that their co-workers were hijacking.

-- Argus Hamilton

President Obama said the United States has clear and focused goals in Libya. He said he would share those goals with us as soon as Hillary shares them with him.

A reporter in Florida said he was forced into a closet by Joe Biden’s staff to keep him from talking to guests at a fundraiser. He said it wouldn’t have been so bad if Biden wasn’t already in there for the same reason.

President Obama’s speech on Libya was scheduled early so it wouldn’t interrupt “Dancing With the Stars.” That’s ridiculous. This is a major historical event that affects the lives of millions of people. I can’t believe it was almost interrupted by Obama’s speech.

The latest episode of “Dancing With the Stars” was preceded by Obama’s new show, “Dancing Around the Objectives in Libya.”

Critics were saying Obama seemed defensive and slightly angry during his speech on Libya. Sounds like somebody’s March Madness bracket isn’t doing so hot.

In an interview with ABC, President Obama said he has to do something about the bags under his eyes. In response, Nancy Pelosi was like, “Call this number and tell them Pelosi sent you.”

President Obama’s approval rating just hit an all-time low of 42 percent. To put that in perspective, the cobra that escaped from the Bronx Zoo has an approval rating of 43 percent.

-- Jimmy Fallon

President Obama escalated the war in Afghanistan, he sent the Navy in to shoot at pirates in the Indian Ocean, and now he’s attacking Libya. It’s like he took the Nobel Peace Prize as an insult.

-- Jimmy Kimmel

President Obama addressed the nation on Libya. This changes his previous policy on Libya, which was, “don't ask, don't tell.”

Instead of calling our mission in Libya a war, the White House is calling it a "kinetic military action," which sounds better than "potentially endless quagmire."

President Obama spoke about our role in Libya. He’s not sure when the war will end, what happens when we win, or how much it will cost, but other than that it was quite informative.

-- Leno

President Obama gave a nationally televised speech about Libya. The speech was titled, “No, I wasn’t born there.”

President Obama says that he prays every night before bed. Or as Fox News reported, “Obama in Daily Talks With Allah.”

Obama said that one solution for using less oil is more nuclear power. He also admitted that he doesn’t follow the news.

-- Conan

About Libya, President Obama says we’re staying for a short time and then leaving. That’s what my relatives always say.

-- Letterman

(Thank you, Cyber Ninja)

Offline Davidfxs

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Re: Today's Toons 4/4/11
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2011, 10:39:39 am »
Thank you Pookie have a great week.
Liberals are like Slinkies, Good for nothing really. But they bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of Stairs.

Offline pookie18

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Re: Today's Toons 4/4/11
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2011, 10:44:47 am »
Thank you Pookie have a great week.

You're welcome & the same to you, David! Driving back from VA in ~30 min.


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Re: Today's Toons 4/4/11
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2011, 10:50:31 am »
Democrat Congressman Anthony Weiner - one of Obamacare's biggest cheerleaders - is now seeking a waiver for his district in New York City. Sorta like a rat deserting a sinking ship and asking for his own lifeboat.

Absolutely effing unbelievable.

Thank God he's not in charge of pookie's toons!!

Thanks pookie!

Offline pookie18

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Re: Today's Toons 4/4/11
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2011, 11:15:47 am »
Absolutely effing unbelievable.

Thank God he's not in charge of pookie's toons!!

Thanks pookie!

Hope he doesn't cross state lines & try for a coup...

My pleasure, Oceander!

Offline illeagle

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Re: Today's Toons 4/4/11
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2011, 11:49:13 am »
A good Monday morning to ya Pookie.. :beer:
The Democratic Motto is:

We got what it takes, to take what you got.
“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”
Edmund Burke

 “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain." Psalm 127:1

Offline pookie18

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Re: Today's Toons 4/4/11
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2011, 05:44:31 pm »
A good Monday morning to ya Pookie.. :beer:
The Democratic Motto is:

We got what it takes, to take what you got.

G'day, Illeagle!

Offline ricebug

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Re: Today's Toons 4/4/11
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2011, 08:44:14 pm »
G'day, Pookie!!!

Offline pookie18

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Re: Today's Toons 4/4/11
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2011, 08:49:22 pm »


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Re: Today's Toons 4/4/11
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2011, 02:44:17 am »
G'night pookie!  Lookin' forward to tomorrow's crop! ;^)

Offline pookie18

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Re: Today's Toons 4/4/11
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2011, 02:48:04 am »
G'night pookie!  Lookin' forward to tomorrow's crop! ;^)

Pleasant dreams, Oceander!


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Re: Today's Toons 4/4/11
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2011, 03:46:41 am »
Pleasant dreams, Oceander!

Always, when I have pookie's toons to look forward to!