Author Topic: Rod Dreher: Upon This Creampuff  (Read 170 times)

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Rod Dreher: Upon This Creampuff
« on: July 18, 2022, 02:36:53 pm »
Upon This Creampuff

With doctrinal revisionism and persecuting Latin mass communities, Pope Francis makes mockery of Catholicism's claim of stability

By Rod Dreher
July 16, 2022

If I hadn’t lost my ability to believe in the authority of the Catholic Church back in 2006, the turmoil under the Francis papacy would have done me in for sure. Here’s the latest from National Catholic Register:

Fifty-five years ago, Pope St. Paul VI promulgated Humanae Vitae, a papal encyclical that unequivocally clarified the Church’s perennial opposition to artificially contracepted sex. Although this teaching faced resistance from several theologians and even bishops at the time, it has been reaffirmed and further developed by subsequent papal teaching, from St. John Paul II’s Evangelium Vitae to the current version of the Catechism of the Catholic Church recently revised by Pope Francis, which describes the practice as “intrinsically evil.”

Now, a Vatican institute, ironically first created by the late, great Polish pope and saint, is pushing for a “paradigm shift” in moral theology that would include departing from established teaching on contraception, but also euthanasia and forms of artificial conception — and supporters of this “radical change” are urging Pope Francis to follow suit with an encyclical affirming this radical break from five decades of post-conciliar magisterial consensus.

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Now, to be clear, none of this is necessarily going to make its way into magisterial Catholic teaching. The analysis provides evidence that influential Church progressives want Pope Francis to incorporate its moral reasoning into the Church’s binding teaching, but whether or not he will do it remains to be seen. Nevertheless, this is a really big deal, and a deeply troubling one — and not just for the obvious reason.

The “obvious reason” is that if this goes through, the Catholic Church would abandon or severely weaken its countercultural stands on matters of profound importance to the meaning of biological life. The less obvious reason is that if the Catholic Church did an about-face on such fundamental teachings, and so shortly after the papacies of St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI reaffirmed and articulated even further these teachings, then the rock on which Catholic authority stands will have been turned into a creampuff.

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