Author Topic: Top Honduran official says mass migration to US 'possible' when title 42 ends, stresses economic hel  (Read 166 times)

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IMMIGRATION Published May 1, 2022 6:55am EDT
Top Honduran official says mass migration to US 'possible' when title 42 ends, stresses economic help
Over 100,000 Honduran migrants have been encountered at the US-Mexico border this year
By James Levinson | Fox News
With the end of CDC public health policy of Title 42, an order that allows federal authorities to quickly deport migrants at US borders citing the health pandemic, the Foreign Minister of Honduras warns that it could lead to an increase of migration to the US.

In an interview with Fox News, Honduran Foreign Minister Eduardo Enrique Reina discussed his recent meetings with officials in the Biden administration, plans on tacking internal corruption and issues of migration to the southern border. Fox News asked Foreign Minister Reina whether there was concern over a mass emigration to the United States when the Biden administration ends Title 42.

"It will be possible. I think this issue has been a part of the worries and we understand that many people internally and with the different policies that the US has to decide." He said.


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Neither side, no matter what they say, wants to fix the problem.  In fact, they want to  make the problem murkier.  That way they can get their faces on the boob tube arguing for something one day and the opposite the next.  They get quoted, write op eds, and get attention they don't have to pay for.   Why would they want to settle the problem when it is so valuable to their longevity in the the US version of the politburo? *look*