Author Topic: Rod Dreher: Won’t Get Fooled By Groomers Again?  (Read 104 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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Rod Dreher: Won’t Get Fooled By Groomers Again?
« on: April 07, 2022, 12:39:09 pm »
Won’t Get Fooled By Groomers Again?

By Rod Dreher
April 7, 2022

This is making the rounds right now. Watch the clip:

Prager was absolutely right then, but you need to watch the clip to see how Maher and his guests think Prager is just a right-wing crackpot for saying this.

Now, it’s People magazine saying it.

It’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez saying it.

It’s the ACLU saying it.

This is what is conventional liberal wisdom today:


EDIT:  I posted only the image link, not the image itself, because it's kind of gross

This is how it always, always goes with the Left, on sex stuff. It’s the Law of Merited Impossibility in action: “Men can’t menstruate, and when they can, you bigots will deserve it.”

I don’t know what else normies need to know about how the Left works before they realize that these people really, honest to God are groomers. Not necessarily “groomers” in the sense of “they all want to have sex with kids,” but groomers in the sense that they want to get inside the heads of children and screw their minds up completely about sex and gender.

The must-follow Twitter account 4thWaveNow — seriously, if you don’t follow it, you really must start — which tracks the gender madness from a critical point of view, points out that there are well-funded organizations that have been mainstreaming this stuff in schools for a long time — even giving advice for how to deceive parents:

*  *  *

« Last Edit: April 07, 2022, 12:40:17 pm by Kamaji »

Offline Kamaji

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Re: Rod Dreher: Won’t Get Fooled By Groomers Again?
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2022, 12:43:03 pm »
Don’t apologize for calling them “groomers”.  That’s exactly what they are.  The Democratic Party supports them to the hilt, and not (yet?) enough Republicans stand up to them.  Woke Capitalism adores them.  You will be laughed at by the Bill Mahers of the world, but you will be correct, as time will show.