Author Topic: Washington Doesn’t Want Peace in Ukraine  (Read 66 times)

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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Washington Doesn’t Want Peace in Ukraine
« on: March 25, 2022, 12:38:33 pm »
Washington Doesn’t Want Peace in Ukraine
American Greatness, Mar 24, 2022, Matthew Boose

The United States is now overwhelmed with propaganda pushing for Americans to “stand with Ukraine” in its war with Russia. It is not enough to wish the people of Ukraine well. The media, Big Tech, and both political parties have made being a partisan of Ukraine some kind of moral duty. Those refusing to get swept up in anti-Russian hysteria can expect to be condemned as traitors and agents of Vladimir Putin.

Contrary to the claims of self-righteous talking heads and keyboard warriors, it isn’t “treason” to question how supporting a foreign nation at war with a nuclear state serves America’s interests. Without robust debate, sound policymaking on such a vital matter is impossible.


To avoid getting locked in a dangerous cycle, our leaders will have to grow up and expand their thinking beyond “Putin is Hitler” platitudes. Diplomacy will require, yes, “appeasing” Putin a little and recognizing that he has rational strategic interests. The West is quick to dismiss Russian grievances with NATO expansion as nothing but a pretext for imperial ambition, but the West has made no serious effort—despite repeated warnings—to restrain its own imperial ambitions in Putin’s backyard. It doesn’t take a “Putin apologist” to understand that Western meddling in Ukraine has been needlessly provocative, and that it poses an obvious, logical threat to Russian security.

But narcissistic and unserious Western leaders have retreated into delusional self-flattery. Unable to believe or respect that Russia has its own interests, they have told themselves a story that Putin is “crazy” and, having attacked Ukraine for no apparent reason and without assessing the risks of an invasion beforehand, he is now facing imminent demise.   But as newly emboldened neoconservatives trumpet Putin’s downfall, sanctions appear to be strengthening his support at home, not sapping it.

Meanwhile, the United States is staking its financial dominance over a country that has no vital U.S. interest and, in the process, pushing its two greatest competitors, Russia and China, closer together. Biden has been left begging foreign dictators for oil. Saudi Arabia won’t even pick up the phone. Who’s the crazy one, again?
