Here is the deal.
You either shut down the beltway and cause problems for the powers that be,or they are going to pretend to ignore you,while sending cops out after the leadership.
If you want to be heard,ya gotta make some noise and piss some people off.
There really ain't no in-between,and you can bet your asses the ferals already have your license numbers,drivers license numbers,addresses,etc,etc,etc,and they WILL strike back once this is over if you don't put the fear of GAWD into them now.
If you don't,you will STILL be fined,taken to court,and harassed by the state and feral goobermints for even DARING to PRETENT to challenge their "Author-Tay".
Since you are already on the government lists anyhow,you really have nothing to lose,so you might as well "go for it".