Author Topic: MUSINGS ON THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE (or We are all North Koreans Now)  (Read 11626 times)

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Offline massadvj

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MUSINGS ON THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE (or We are all North Koreans Now)
by Victor J. Massad

In a dream I was shuttered in a house, holding a shotgun, preparing to defend myself.  Outside there were thousands of zombies descending upon me, each with a needle in its arm, muttering the words “Build Back Better, Build Back Better.” I took the butt of my rifle and I smashed out a window. Gazing at the advancing horde, I screamed at the top of my lungs “Let’s Go Brandon!” Then I woke up, and wrote what follows.   

When historians look back on these times they will note this as the era in which a global coup d’etat is being carried out against individuals worldwide by a loose conglomerate made up of big government, big tech, big media, big pharma and big retail. It is the eruption of a perfect storm, triggered by pandemic, proceded by a “great reset” and ultimately global control of the population through a combination of mind control, censorship, and ultimately force.  It is the predictable consequence of governments becoming too large, powerful and corrupt.  Our government and all world governments are now under the control of the very rich and used for the purposes of eliminating competition, promoting economies of scale, and fundamentally controlling people and markets.

This has not been the result of any great conspiracy, but the predictable consequence of many large collectives pursuing their interests.  As these collectives accumulate more and more wealth and power the only opportunities for expansion reside in the breaking down of individual autonomy and the promotion of forced compliance. It is not as if there is one small cabal sitting in a boardroom making the decisions on the future of human civilization.  Rather, it is that the prognostications in all of the boardrooms – from Amazon, to Citibank, to Pfizer, to Microsoft, to The Department of Homeland Security, to The World Health Organization – lead to the same conclusion: individual human autonomy is a big problem and it must be reined in.

The Covid-19 pandemic of early 2020 was the perfect catalyst for these collectives to carry out their great assault on freedom. Looking at each of these great institutions, in retrospect their decisions and actions seem entirely predictable.  To a sizable portion of the US population, this was the exact dystopian nightmare that had been expected for some time.  But the majority went along willingly, which was surprising to those of us who treasure basic human rights.  We had assumed that Americans would resist the advance of tyranny, but a society used to the Transportation Security Administration, the Internal Revenue Service, and trifle regulations such as seat belt laws and smoking bans had become accustomed to the idea that individuals should give up their freedoms for the “common good.” And so they acquiesced.

What a difference two years has made.

As the year 2020 dawned, the apparati that make up the federal government of the United States were facing a number of existential threats. The public was enjoying prosperity and expansion, the borders were under control, energy was cheap and there were no significant pending wars.  The public was growing more and more skeptical of global warming, which was the primary pretext for the expansion of federal and global control. To make matters worse, the sitting President of the United States was openly hostile to the global and federal bureaucracies which had been politicized and weaponized over the eight years of the Obama administration. President Trump had been chipping away at this with the withdrawal from the Iran treaty, appointment of judges and the replacement of federal employees lost through attrition. A second Trump term would mean even more dismantling of the global establishment, a prospect the progressive class found daunting.

The pandemic could not have come along at a better time. It gave the managerial state the perfect pretext for taking back control.  Global martial law was imposed under the guise of “14 days to slow the spread.” Small businesses ranging from restaurants, beauty salons, fitness clubs and mom-and-pop retailers were shut down while big box stores and corporate fast-food operators were permitted to continue operating.  There was a reset of financial distribution as hundreds of thousands of businesses and millions of people were paid to do nothing. Literally no one and nothing could operate without the permission of government. The fear among the people was palpable. A minority of us who treasured our autonomy feared for our freedom; while the majority bought into the narrative being sold to them and feared for their health and welfare, although their fears were way out of proportion to the actual threat.  Perhaps most crucially, the virus provided the pretext to change election laws so that voters would not cast their votes in the solitude of a voting booth where they might reflect on their freedom and autonomy.  Instead, a system of mail-in ballots was implemented, and voting became a process for political machinery and chicanery. Thus, Trump was “defeated” and the managerial state had once again asserted itself against the individual.

Two years in, we are now seeing the consequences of the coup. Crime is rampant in the cities.  Citizens are being arrested and abused by police for not wearing masks.  People are being forced out of their jobs for refusing to be vaccinated. The borders have been opened up and third world cast-offs are flooding into the country.  Inflation is out of control even as the economy is stagnant, the predictable consequence of the financial “reset” that was enacted by the newly elected congress. Our enemies around the world have become emboldened as the newly-elected Biden is seen as weak and feeble.  China is preparing to advance its interests in the South China Sea and Taiwan, Russia is prepared to invade Ukraine, and the mullahs of Iran, who were on the verge of collapse two years ago, are newly-invigorated.

What future is envisioned for us by this re-empowered managerial class? Assuming its members see themselves as well-intentioned, one must look at the world through their eyes and imagine what they imagine.  To the enlightened elites, it is obvious that the world is overpopulated, its resources are depleted, and (thanks to humans) the planet is dying.  All of this has been caused by humans over-consuming.  Therefore, human consumption must be controlled and regulated.  The challenge is how to accomplish this without people perceiving that their lives are diminished. This is where the marriage of convenience between big government, big media and big tech comes into play. Big media instills censorship and promotes fear, big tech is tasked with distracting us from material consumption with the promise of an even more pleasurable digital consumption, and big government enforces it all with police power.

In their vision, we average citizens will be allocated minimum fixed incomes and live in the metaverse, investing our lives into relationships with digital objects and beings, while the managers reap the harvest.  They will serve Americans fake meat, fake families, fake stimulation. They will marry real trophy wives, live in real mansions, fly around the world in private jets, and congratulate each other for saving the planet. But thanks to digital enhancement they expect us to feel more fulfilled in our lives than ever before.

This is where we are headed, and it seems that the forces propelling us to digital/progressive utopia are beyond any individual’s ability to resist.  The tools at the disposal of the managerial class have become very effective.  We are in a zombie apocalypse and our leaders are able to manufacture more and more zombies through the toxic brew of communication, regulation, innovation and, ultimately, force.

It;’s enough to make me want to put on one of Zuckerberg’s headsets and become a zombie myself.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2022, 05:53:44 pm by massadvj »

Offline DefiantMassRINO

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Re: MUSINGS ON THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE (or We are all North Koreans Now)
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2022, 05:28:56 pm »
America's lack of quality brains will lead to mass starvation of zombies.

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Offline Smokin Joe

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Re: MUSINGS ON THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE (or We are all North Koreans Now)
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2022, 06:44:23 pm »
The pandemic could not have come along at a better time. It gave the managerial state the perfect pretext for taking back control.  Global martial law was imposed under the guise of “14 days to slow the spread.” Small businesses ranging from restaurants, beauty salons, fitness clubs and mom-and-pop retailers were shut down while big box stores and corporate fast-food operators were permitted to continue operating.  There was a reset of financial distribution as hundreds of thousands of businesses and millions of people were paid to do nothing. Literally no one and nothing could operate without the permission of government. The fear among the people was palpable. A minority of us who treasured our autonomy feared for our freedom; while the majority bought into the narrative being sold to them and feared for their health and welfare, although their fears were way out of proportion to the actual threat.  Perhaps most crucially, the virus provided the pretext to change election laws so that voters would not cast their votes in the solitude of a voting booth where they might reflect on their freedom and autonomy.  Instead, a system of mail-in ballots was implemented, and voting became a process for political machinery and chicanery. Thus, Trump was “defeated” and the managerial state had once again asserted itself against the individual.

I do not think the release of a lab-generated pathogen, under circumstances which guaranteed its dissemination around the globe (nor its timing) was anything accidental.

Nor, for that matter, do I think the 'hit piece' studies designed to show a lack of efficacy of an incomplete early onset treatment regimen in the later stages of COVID was an accident, for that kept in place the potential of EUAs and Liability Waivers for any "vaccines" and their developers. It also kept in place the one essential element of the pandemic, one boosted to ridiculous levels by speculative predictions of death unmatched by the Black Death: FEAR

Without that all consuming deer-in-the headlights FEAR, no outrageous measures  could be taken: Americans would not have tolerated that. But in a gibbering state of fear, assured that impotent measures would guarantee safety (in contrast to early recommendations designed to ensure the spread of the disease), people turned, predictably, on each other in a fit of mass hysteria that has yet to subside, and only continues by completely ignoring the falsehood of the premises on which it is predicated.
That falsehood is preserved by denying any scientific discussion that isn't in agreement with the premise, the narrative, from exposure on social media and other platforms, in essence controlling the flow of information in such a way that only the one side of the debate is exposed.

None of this has occurred by accident, there have been specific actors who have spurred the panic, maintained the narrative, and misled everyone by declaring any contrary viewpoints, no matter how well they are supported by scientific data and research, to be "misinformation".

It is up to us to declare whether we want to join the shambling herd that ignores any information that contradicts the narrative, with all the subjugation that goes along with that, or whether we will stand up as Americans and demand our Rights, from the right to free speech to the right to be the arbiters of what medical treatments we see as appropriate. Considering the manufacturers of the shots have zero liability for their effects, perhaps we could take on the responsibility for our own treatment.

To just shuffle along while those who will be needed most, who served the needs of a population for over a year before the vaccines, who often acquired natural immunity as a result, are excommunicated form the ranks of the productive is a crime against humanity, as is, IMHO the release of the pathogen for political and economic purposes benefiting a very few at the expense of millions of lives and the economic and general health of us all.

I will not go quietly into that night.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2022, 03:08:41 am by Smokin Joe »
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline massadvj

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Re: MUSINGS ON THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE (or We are all North Koreans Now)
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2022, 07:56:04 pm »
I do not think the release of a lab-generated pathogen, under circumstances which guaranteed its dissemination around the globe (nor its timing) was anything accidental.

Nor, for that matter, do I think the 'hit piece' studies designed to show a lack of efficacy of an incomplete early onset treatment regimen in the later stages of COVID was an accident, for that kept in place the potential of EUAs and Liability Waivers for any "vaccines" and their developers. It also kept in place the one essential element of the pandemic, one boosted to ridiculous levels by speculative predictions of death unmatched by the Black Death: FEAR

Without that all consuming dear-in-the headlights FEAR, no outrageous measures  could be taken: Americans would not have tolerated that. But in a gibbbering state of fear, assured that impotent measures would guarantee safety (in contrast to early recommendations designed to ensure the spread of the disease), people turned, predictably, on each other in a fit of mass hysteria that has yet to subside, and only continues by completely ignoring the falsehood of the premises on which it is predicated.
That falsehood is preserved by denying any scientific discussion that isn't in agreement with the premise, the narrative, from exposure on social media and other platforms, in essence controlling the flow of information in such a way that only the one side of the debate is exposed.

None of this has occurred by accident, there have been specific actors who have spurred the panic, maintained the narrative, and misled everyone by declaring any contrary viewpoints, no matter how well they are supported by scientific data and research, to be "misinformation".

It is up to us to declare whether we want to join the shambling herd that ignores any information that contradicts the narrative, with all the subjugation that goes along with that, or whether we will stand up as Americans and demand our Rights, from the right to free speech to the right to be the arbiters of what medical treatments we see as appropriate. Considering the manufacturers of the shots have zero liability for their effects, perhaps we could take on the responsibility for our own treatment.

To just shuffle along while those who will be needed most, who served the needs of a population for over a year before the vaccines, who often acquired natural immunity as a result, are excommunicated form the ranks of the productive is a crime against humanity, as is, IMHO the release of the pathogen for political and economic purposes benefiting a very few at the expense of millions of lives and the economic and general health of us all.

I will not go quietly into that night.

All very valid observations.  I do not rule out the possibility that the release of the virus was intentional. To me, it doesn't really matter.  Its dissemination to the world was very clearly intentional on the part of the Chinese, something that no one really disputes, but few will talk about.

Thanks for contributing your thoughts.

« Last Edit: September 25, 2022, 03:42:31 am by massadvj »

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Re: MUSINGS ON THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE (or We are all North Koreans Now)
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2022, 01:22:56 am »
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
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Re: MUSINGS ON THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE (or We are all North Koreans Now)
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2022, 03:32:31 pm »

Well-reasoned and well-written.

Disturbing, too.

You have obviously been paying close attention to the threads connecting global governments, corporations and organizations, and how their common interests now stand at odds with those of most individual citizens.

We desire more freedom and choices in all endeavors; they insist we must have fewer.

We want our leaders held accountable for their actions; they want to be insulated from our judgment.

We demand information and knowledge; they give us propaganda and lies.

And it is always for our benefit that we citizens are denied and demanded to sacrifice: for the good of the economy, for the planet, for society, for certain unnamed "others".

And when we refuse to cooperate?

That is when the stream of invective, insult and abuse begins.

"Shut up", they explain. Get back in line. Wear your mask. Get your shots. Don't ask questions.

Our elites narcotize us with endless torrents of broadband info on all devices at all times, depressing our interest and motivation while distracting attention from what they are truly up to, which is in essence: remaking the entire world to ensure their permanent control over it.

But as @Smokin Joe said (quoting Dylan Thomas): I will not go quietly into that night.

"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Offline massadvj

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Re: MUSINGS ON THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE (or We are all North Koreans Now)
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2022, 08:07:52 pm »

Well-reasoned and well-written.

Disturbing, too.

You have obviously been paying close attention to the threads connecting global governments, corporations and organizations, and how their common interests now stand at odds with those of most individual citizens.

We desire more freedom and choices in all endeavors; they insist we must have fewer.

We want our leaders held accountable for their actions; they want to be insulated from our judgment.

We demand information and knowledge; they give us propaganda and lies.

And it is always for our benefit that we citizens are denied and demanded to sacrifice: for the good of the economy, for the planet, for society, for certain unnamed "others".

And when we refuse to cooperate?

That is when the stream of invective, insult and abuse begins.

"Shut up", they explain. Get back in line. Wear your mask. Get your shots. Don't ask questions.

Our elites narcotize us with endless torrents of broadband info on all devices at all times, depressing our interest and motivation while distracting attention from what they are truly up to, which is in essence: remaking the entire world to ensure their permanent control over it.

But as @Smokin Joe said (quoting Dylan Thomas): I will not go quietly into that night.


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Re: MUSINGS ON THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE (or We are all North Koreans Now)
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2024, 12:56:09 am »
America's lack of quality brains will lead to mass starvation of zombies.

O.K.  That was seriously funny.