Author Topic: Stephen Miller: Democrats’ Bill Funds Migrant’s Child Smuggling  (Read 160 times)

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Stephen Miller: Democrats’ Bill Funds Migrant’s Child Smuggling

The Democrats’ $4 trillion spending bill uses Americans’ money to fund the cartels’ illegal migration, immigration expert Stephen Miller told Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) in a November 5 conversation.

Miller said the bill — which may be voted through the House on Friday, November 5, allows:

    People to get [child] tax credits if they’re here illegally. And that really is so radical. Think about that. You have people today in, say the Northern Triangle — Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala — weighing whether to come into the country illegally. They’re thinking about, “Well, I have to pay a smuggler $6,000 or $7,000: I don’t want to do it.” Now the calculation is “Oh, this is great. If I have four young children and I pay a smuggler $7,000, my first year here I can get $14,000 in tax credits from Uncle Sam! That will pay for the cost of the smuggling, plus we’ll have an extra $7,000 left over.

    These should be called “Tax Credits for Smugglers.” This is in the bill. It’s just mind-boggling to me …. [it] defies reason and common sense.