Author Topic: Why didn’t the Navy see the USS Bonhomme Richard fire coming?  (Read 75 times)

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Why didn’t the Navy see the USS Bonhomme Richard fire coming?
« on: October 26, 2021, 12:01:34 pm »
Why didn’t the Navy see the USS Bonhomme Richard fire coming?
By Geoff Ziezulewicz
 Oct 25, 06:23 PM

When the amphibious assault ship Bonhomme Richard caught fire last summer while undergoing maintenance and then burned for nearly a week, those inside and outside the fleet wondered how such a peacetime loss of a warship could ever happen.

But according to a Big Navy review of ship fires released last week, the threat of such a catastrophe has smoldered inside the sea service’s public and private shipyards for years.

The so-called “Major Fires Review” was released in conjunction with the Navy’s command investigation into the July 12, 2020, fire aboard Bonhomme Richard, which found that the Navy failed at all levels to fight the fire after a junior sailor allegedly started it.