Author Topic: Informal Institute for National Security Thinkers and Practitioners  (Read 122 times)

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Informal Institute for National Security Thinkers and Practitioners

Quotes of the Day:

     "Irregular Warfare is conducted in support of predetermined United States policy and military objectives conducted by, with, and through regular forces, irregular forces, groups, and individuals participating in competition between state and non-state actors short of traditional armed conflict.”

    -2017 National Defense Authorization Act

    "Political warfare is the use of political means to compel an opponent to do one's will, based on hostile intent. The term political describes the calculated interaction between a government and a target audience to include another state's government, military, and/or general population. Governments use a variety of techniques to coerce certain actions, thereby gaining relative advantage over an opponent."

    - Paul A. Smith, On Political War,1989

    “The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.”

    - Garry Kasparov


1. Here’s how the new continuing resolution will frustrate the Pentagon
2. Generals Were Blindsided by the Afghan Army's Big Quit, But Enlisted Troops Saw it Coming
3. China, US in talks on military relations amid strained ties
4. Opinion | Inside the CIA’s desperate effort to rescue its Afghan allies
5. American weakness on China
6. Video and written testimony: FDD's Thomas Joscelyn testifies on Afghanistan
7. FDD | US Should Sanction The New Head And Businesses Of Iran’s Martyrs Foundation
8. FDD | Tehran views the rise of the Taliban with both glee and suspicion
9. The Quad Enters the Ring With China
10. The Taliban's Social Media Presence Is a Clear Danger to America