Author Topic: General Milley Strikes Out Demonstrating What Is Wrong With the American Military  (Read 130 times)

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General Milley Strikes Out Demonstrating What Is Wrong With the American Military
Philip Giraldi
September 30, 2021

There is no solid evidence, only innuendo, that Trump ever seriously contemplated war with China, Philip Giraldi writes.

Most Americans do not know that in the United States currently there are approximately 900 Active-duty generals and flag officers to lead 1.3 million troops in the combined armed forces. This is a ratio of one senior officer per every 1,400 men and women. During World War II, an admittedly different era, there were roughly twice as many flag and general officers for a little more than 12 million active duty troops a ratio of one to 6,000. In the Navy there are 32 flag officers for each ship currently in commission. In 1944, there was one flag officer for every 24 ships.

This development is referred to as “rank creep” which does not improve performance and instead clutters the chain of command by adding multiple bureaucratic layers to decision-making while also costing more due to funding the higher paygrades. And lest one be confused about why there continue to be so many flag officers, possibly concluding that they are needed to provide the leadership to fight wars, it could be pointed out that most of them will never get anywhere near combat even if the U.S. continues its belligerency on a global scale in an effort to establish and enforce its leadership of a fictional “rules based international order.”

Offline sneakypete

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I can sum that up in just a few words.

We now have a military totally controlled by the politicians and obsessed with personal advancements and position,instead of a military controlled by "Duty,Honor,and Country".

Yes,it really IS that simple.

What is even simpler is the process of weeding out the Personal Power Puppets,and replacing them with "Duty,Honor,Country Officers." ALL anyone has to do is look at their career paths and who,if anyone pushed their careers.

And it is as easy as falling off a log to find the GOOD officers. All you have to do is look at their records,their associates,and ask them a few simple questions that demand simple answers. A weasel officer will equivocate while shuffling around nervously while looking for the "right" answer. A honest officer will just flat tell you what he thinks.

Once again,"Yes,it really IS THAT FREAKING SIMPLE".

Providing of course you can find enough honest congresscritters who are interested in the future of a free America to sit on the congressional panel. These are people who will KNOW their political careers are on the line if they do their duty,just like the career officers will know THEIR careers are on the line for doing their duty,and neither give a damn because the future of America as a free country is more important to them than their own careers and bank accounts.

And it is MY opinion there are more officers like that in the US Military than there are weasel self-serving officers.

I just wish that could be said about the members of the US Congress and the US Senate.

BTW,to clear the air,I was NOT an officer even though I was offered a commission.

 I was a career US Army NCO,and damn proud of it. In my NOT so humble opinion,a good NCO was a mighty fine thing to be. Without good NCO's,the whole damn thing falls apart. Just ask anybody that has ever been in the military if you don't believe me.

That's why the slogan is "Duty,Honor,Country",and yes,there ARE people who take that seriously. Even today.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2021, 05:27:42 pm by sneakypete »
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!


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Three words abhorred by democrats and a clue why they dislike the military so much.