Author Topic: Like A Reoccurring Nightmare The Nation Begins To Shift Back Into Lockdown Mode  (Read 75 times)

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Like A Reoccurring Nightmare The Nation Begins To Shift Back Into Lockdown Mode
J.P. Knowles J.P. Knowles August 25, 2021   


The number of COVID-positive patients is spreading like a wildfire across our country. No doubt the extremely contagious delta has played a part in the surge.

Hospitals are stretched beyond intention. Medical personnel and staff are working beyond what is reasonable. Temporary testing sights have popped up all over. Buildings such as the Jacksonville main library are being used as treatment facilities. The sobering sight of temporary morgues is becoming commonplace.

Schools are switching to virtual learning. Businesses are short-staffed. Gatherings canceled. Not one person has been unaffected by this vicious virus in one way or another.

New York and other places are now requiring proof of vaccination to frequent indoor establishments. Mississippi has taken the lead with possible jail time and steep fines for positive patients that break quarantine guidelines. Federal employees and businesses such as Delta Airlines, Citigroup, and Facebook are requiring employees to be vaccinated in order to work.