Author Topic: BOMBSHELL REPORT: Biden Refused to Listen to Top Generals’ Warnings, Pulled Out of Afghanistan Anywa  (Read 112 times)

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BOMBSHELL REPORT: Biden Refused to Listen to Top Generals’ Warnings, Pulled Out of Afghanistan Anyways


Published on August 16, 2021

President Joe Biden is quickly proving that he is not only a threat to the safety of Americans, but he is also a threat to people throughout the world.

According to a bombshell report, Biden refused to listen to the advice of his top military officials and decided to move ahead with the disastrous US pullout in Afghanistan.

Biden allegedly overruled his generals who advised that he should keep 2,500 servicemen on the ground in Afghanistan to help with negotiations between Afghanistan and the Taliban. Instead, Biden decided to conduct a complete withdraw which led to a quick Taliban takeover who now control many US assets including weaponry, helicopters and other vehicles.

The Wall Street Journal reports:


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As I remember it, the Imam Obama had the same disability. :pondering: