Author Topic: Marsha Blackburn Introduces Border Wall Amendment to Infrastructure Bill  (Read 96 times)

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Breitbart by Joel B. Pollak 4 Aug 2021

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) will introduce an amendment to the bipartisan infrastructure bill on Wednesday that would allocate $1 billion toward the completion of the southern border wall, amidst a massive flow of illegal migrants.

The amendment would also cut some of the proposed funding for Amtrak in the bill. Amtrak is known to be a darling of President Joe Biden, who prided himself on taking the train from his home in Wilmington, Delaware to Washington.

In a statement to be released Wednesday, Blackburn said: “The American people should not be forced to foot the bill for Joe Biden’s pet project. If Joe Biden truly cared about infrastructure, he would build the wall at our southern border. Instead, Biden spent hundreds of millions of dollars to not build a wall and allow illegal aliens to flood into our country.”
