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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #225 on: June 10, 2021, 10:08:13 pm »
Yeah, Same old bullcrap again... I am not, nor have I ever preached standing down. Nor have I preached perfection.

I have preached the same old Conservatism that has always been, coming right out of Goldwater and Reagan.

I have preached Conservative Coalition, and that is all.
If you wreck that coalition you will get no help from me. And in fact I will stand against you.

It is not waiting for perfection to insist folks that call themselves conservatives adhere to the defense of the principles that define it. That is what we are here for.

The "conservative coalition" is MAGA.  You standing against me is standing against Saving America.

You preach in "defense of principles"; we'll rise in defense of country.  You sit and fiddle in your reading room; we'll stand and fight with every weapon we can put our hands on. 

Your obsession is useless.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #226 on: June 10, 2021, 10:12:35 pm »
I was point-of-the-spear for the TEA party, from the very beginning, when it was still in Ron Paul's camp... All the way through.

Yet I won't lift a finger for y'all. You should really try to do that math.

Well, there it is.

Ron Paul was never a real conservative.   He was a fake libertarian who never got anything done.

He said a few interesting things, but accomplishment wasn't his forte.

The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline roamer_1

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #227 on: June 11, 2021, 12:24:00 am »
Most football games are won by slogging it on the field, five yards, ten yards, two yards at a time, and losing ground in-between.

Republicans have lost ground all the way along. No wins.  NONE. That is a statistical impossibility.

Conservatives NEVER win by a brilliant running game.   Not once have we won that way.   To expect that the conservatives are going to field the perfect team and never give up ground once the team is on the field is too much to expect of any human endeavor.

Perhaps. But one could start from the position of 'Do no harm'... But not even that - Y'all support Not only is there not a reversal, even a small one, when Republicans get into power, there is expansion of the federal beast. And Tumpy is no different. The first to go under the bus are the ficons and the civcons - And again, Tumpy is no different.


The Rodents didn't get where they are by a single effort.  No.  They got to the Big Steal by LIFETIMES of incessant efforts to undermine society and rot it out from within.

Nah, they got there because they had no opposition. All y'all feign opposition, but you tell a tree by its fruit, and your tree is, and there is no denying it.

Conservatives aren't going to fix it in a day, in a year, in a single presidential term or in six presidential terms.

And they're certainly not going to fix it in one presidential term if the president gets no support and no conservative advice from his team in Congress. 

Did Trump get any Conservative advice (in the form of bills and proposals to fight for) from the leadership of either house?   Not once.   

Conservatives are not going to fix anything, because folks like y'all supplanted them. More Conservatives are outside the Republican party than in it. Which is why I favor putting my efforts into the CP. No sense in putting anymore effort into Republicans. That dog don't hunt, and worse then that, he bites me every chance he gets.

To blame Trump is a fool's game.   If Trump had been given a truly conservative agenda to fight for by conservatives in House and Senate, Trump would have been far more successful than his already impressive presidency was.   

Trump had no help.

Poor little Tumpy. He can't help it... Everbody's pickin on him...
But he fights

 :silly: And y'all claim I chase windmills  :silly:

Yes I can blame Tumpy. Not that I blame him exclusively, but he was at the top and the buck always stops at the top. If you are a businessman, you will admit that. And while I very much admit he had no help from Republicans, and that they are at fault, Part of his promise, part of his JOB is to lead his party. That ain't the 'kiss the ring' thing y'all demand... It is forming coalitions and cutting deals, and bringing folks together to move forward. That is what leading is, and if he could not get that done, as he vowed he could do - Well that is on him... Just as much as anyone, if not more.

And y'all get the blame too in that - Filling the Republican party with RINOs because of 'lesser evil' thinking is your (y'all) fault... Had the Congress been in control of Conservatives instead of moderates... Had the RINOs been but a handful and the Conservatives the majority, perhaps he'd have had more to work with... But then, if Conservatives were in power, he would not have been necessary either.

Those damn Chrysophobics

That's really funny. A whole lot of my gear is orange and black... My watch has orange in the bezel... as a hunter, I love camo, but hunter orange is on a lot of my gear... And my favorite color on pickups is Hugger Orange. The one in my yard was meant to go that color - I even have the paint for it on the shelf in the kitchen...

So no, I am fine with orange. I ain't fine with liberal Especially on the right.

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #228 on: June 11, 2021, 12:25:32 am »
Well, there it is.

Ron Paul was never a real conservative.   He was a fake libertarian who never got anything done.

He said a few interesting things, but accomplishment wasn't his forte.

@Sled Dog

Ron Paul was never ANY type of conservative,and AFAIK,never even CLAIMED to be a conservative. He was and is a Libertarian.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline roamer_1

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #229 on: June 11, 2021, 12:33:37 am »
The "conservative coalition" is MAGA.  You standing against me is standing against Saving America.

That's just it. You ain't saving nothing. Twenty TRILLION dollars. Do you have ANY conception of the damage it causes printing money like that?

Y'all shut the country OFF. Thousands of small businesses just like me CRATERED for no reason but piss poor leadership...

And you DEFEND it.

You preach in "defense of principles"; we'll rise in defense of country.  You sit and fiddle in your reading room; we'll stand and fight with every weapon we can put our hands on. 

If you are not standing in those principles, those TRUE THINGS, you are doing more damage than you are helping. I know you are well meaning, but ignorantly throwing the truth under the bus, justifying your position because of desperation is nothing but fear and poor decisions.

As for Rome burning, You don't know it, but you are holding the matches.

Your obsession is useless.

No, it is truth.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #230 on: June 11, 2021, 12:37:47 am »
Republican Party had no wins, huh?

Know what the Rodents NEVER wanted to happen?  Know what the Rodents never expected would happen?

The Republicans destroyed the Soviet Union, Marxist Mecca, without firing a shot.

Know what else the Rodents NEVER wanted to happen?   

The Republicans reversed Carter's intentional "malaise" in less than one term, in an economic resurgence so strong it took until the Rodents and RINOs destroyed the economy in 2008 to put Obama into office.

What else has the GOP won recently?   over 1100 state and local elective offices since the Rodents installed that Kenyan marxist muslim.    They haven't gotten most of those back yet, even though they've been stealing elections like crazy.

What else have we won?

Trump's tax law limits the amount of state and local taxes a taxpayer can deduct from his federal income taxes, and that REALLY hurts the wealthy Rodents.   Didn't do me any favors, but I'm a patriot so I don't mind paying a price to win the Good War.  Not a crybaby.

And, most importantly of all, what we have right now is 75 million really pissed off Americans who aren't whining, who are simply furious at how the Rodents and the Principled Conservatives (TM), persons such as yourself, have conspired to steal elections and return to Screw'em As Usual methods.   

The 75 Mega-MAGA don't whine.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #231 on: June 11, 2021, 12:46:18 am »
@Sled Dog

Ron Paul was never ANY type of conservative,and AFAIK,never even CLAIMED to be a conservative. He was and is a Libertarian.

To digress:

I never said Paul said he was.   The TEA Party was a CONSERVATIVE response to the Illegal Alien in the White House and the corrupt RINOs in bed with him.   

Paul was held up as some kind of Conservative Idol that we were supposed to pay attention to, but held up by the Libertarian crowd who really don't know what foundational principles real conservatives hold.   

I went to the LP for a while after the RINOs in the Senate voted to absolve the Rapist for his crimes by not holding the trial the public deserved to see of the first President impeached for committing real felonies.   Later that year the Senate finished the Farce Hearing and held their vote.  As I recall, fewer than five senators actually went to the room where the documentary evidence was stored and reviewed any of it.   Those were documents the PUBLIC should have seen, but were and are denied access to.

So I skipped to the LP after that.   And got to watch how the LP eventually became the Rodent's "female dog in heat" (rhymes with what Hillary is) and was used solely as a GOP busting Turd Party to get garbage-eating Rodent candidates elected in VA and elsewhere.   I stayed there for a while...why not, it was free...until Trump came along and revitalized a real GOP.

The LP has no clue what freedom is about.   Subject for another thread, that.

Someone equating the TEA Party with Ron Paul tells us a lot about that person.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2021, 12:55:44 am by Sled Dog »
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline roamer_1

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #232 on: June 11, 2021, 12:46:54 am »
Well, there it is.

Ron Paul was never a real conservative.   He was a fake libertarian who never got anything done.

He said a few interesting things, but accomplishment wasn't his forte.

Ron Paul comes right out of Goldwater. And hell yeah he did way more than Tumpy ever thought of.

Now, that being said, I am not in Ron Paul's camp, and never was... I was just among the hard core Reaganites that saw the value in what he was trying to do and joined in on the effort. It was the Reaganite Right that brought it out of the libertarians and into the focus of Conservatism.  And rightly so. There is little distance between a Reaganite and Goldwater Conservative.

In fact, it is the Moderates that drive wedges between libertarians and the rest of Conservatism. Can't have folks around that call em right when it comes to foundational libertarian and Constitutional issues.

I never supported Ron Paul in his runs for president, as he was adamant about not getting in foreign entanglements 0 He was right in that too, but I had to stand differently, in that once our boys are committed to an action, I have to be four square behind that action with the throttle to the nines. Paul would pull them, regardless. I would have them win. I know how important that is.

But I would vote for Rand, without question. One of a very few. And I supported much that his old man stood on. And no surprise. Fiscal Conservatism and Libertarianism are the root of Goldwater, and thereby the root of all modern political Conservatism. And the West, especially the Rockies, is where libertarianism is best preserved.

What a surprise that as a Conservative I would hang pretty well with libertarians.

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #233 on: June 11, 2021, 12:53:39 am »
I never supported Ron Paul in his runs for president, as he was adamant about not getting in foreign entanglements 0 He was right in that too, but I had to stand differently, in that once our boys are committed to an action, I have to be four square behind that action with the throttle to the nines. Paul would pull them, regardless. I would have them win. I know how important that is.

But I would vote for Rand, without question. One of a very few. And I supported much that his old man stood on. And no surprise. Fiscal Conservatism and Libertarianism are the root of Goldwater, and thereby the root of all modern political Conservatism. And the West, especially the Rockies, is where libertarianism is best preserved.

What a surprise that as a Conservative I would hang pretty well with libertarians.

Well stated @roamer_1 .  I don't agree with everything Rand says, but right now I'm scratching my head to remember what that disagreement was.
James 1:20

Offline roamer_1

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #234 on: June 11, 2021, 12:58:47 am »
Republican Party had no wins, huh?

Know what the Rodents NEVER wanted to happen?  Know what the Rodents never expected would happen?

The Republicans destroyed the Soviet Union, Marxist Mecca, without firing a shot.

Reagan. Before the fact.

Know what else the Rodents NEVER wanted to happen?   

The Republicans reversed Carter's intentional "malaise" in less than one term, in an economic resurgence so strong it took until the Rodents and RINOs destroyed the economy in 2008 to put Obama into office.

Reagan. Before the fact.

What else has the GOP won recently?   over 1100 state and local elective offices since the Rodents installed that Kenyan marxist muslim.    They haven't gotten most of those back yet, even though they've been stealing elections like crazy.

TEA. And the 94 Congress, which you omitted.

Both of which were advances that were crushed, largely by Moderate Republicans taking the air away from them.
All of it overturned. Or close enough to claim it.

What else have we won?

Trump's tax law limits the amount of state and local taxes a taxpayer can deduct from his federal income taxes, and that REALLY hurts the wealthy Rodents.   Didn't do me any favors, but I'm a patriot so I don't mind paying a price to win the Good War.  Not a crybaby.

offset by twenty friggn trillion in spending. In fact, the money printed under Tump has probably more than offset the tax break in inflation.

And, most importantly of all, what we have right now is 75 million really pissed off Americans who aren't whining, who are simply furious at how the Rodents and the Principled Conservatives (TM), persons such as yourself, have conspired to steal elections and return to Screw'em As Usual methods.   

The 75 Mega-MAGA don't whine.

Who have empty hands. No wins. EOs like farts in a windstorm. Throwing fiscal and civil conservatism right under the bus just like every other Republican venture.

Meh. This is not winning.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2021, 01:13:15 am by roamer_1 »

Offline roamer_1

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #235 on: June 11, 2021, 01:05:27 am »
To digress:

I never said Paul said he was.   The TEA Party was a CONSERVATIVE response to the Illegal Alien in the White House and the corrupt RINOs in bed with him.   

That's right. And it started in Paul's camp... One of my good friends over on TOS was libertarian and invited me to look at what they were doing. Because of that, I was in on the ground floor, and particpated locally helping to drive it in this region.

Conservatives did it, and Paul was a big part of that.

Paul was held up as some kind of Conservative Idol that we were supposed to pay attention to, but held up by the Libertarian crowd who really don't know what foundational principles real conservatives hold.   

That would not be me - Though I respect him and give credit where it is due.

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #236 on: June 11, 2021, 01:08:15 am »
Well stated @roamer_1 .  I don't agree with everything Rand says, but right now I'm scratching my head to remember what that disagreement was.


Same. But there is no denying he's the real deal.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #237 on: June 11, 2021, 01:11:33 am »
Reagan. Before the fact.

Reagan. Before the fact.

Those sports stadium beavers sure work fast.    Goal posts just ZOOM farther way when some people are around.

TEA. And the 84 Congress, which you omitted.

Lots of things I omitted.

I'm not writing dissertations here.

Both of which were advances that were crushed, largely by Moderate Republicans taking the air away from them.

You mean the future Never Trumpers.

Who have "Principles".

All of it overturned. Or close enough to claim it.

Thanks because....

....all those lazy RINO republicans who can't be bothered to vote except in the Big elections, like Archie Bunker.

Maybe if those people with their Principles would stop sitting on their asses when elections came around, the Rodents would have more of a contest.   

I was mowing a father's lawn...and he came out of the house and said, "come on, time to vote in the local school election".

"but I'm busy".

And then I got The Look.

And all those Never Trumping Principled Conservative (TM) WINOs (Whiny Republicans in Name Only) are getting The Look from all those Americans that, the 75 Million, because voting is the most important task, a moral and patriotic DUTY, to the defense of the Republic.

We Americans don't like shirkers and goldbrickers.

offset by twenty friggn trillion in spending. In fact, the money printed under Tump has probably more than offset the tax break in inflation.

Actually, inflation was fairly low under The Last President.    Three dollar gasoline in Los Angeles.   Less than two dollars in America.

Who have empty hands. No wins. EOs like farts in a windstorm. Throwing fiscal and civil conservatism right under the bus just like every other Republican venture.

Meh. This is not winning.

You're right.  We're not seeing winning here.  We're seeing whining.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #238 on: June 11, 2021, 01:17:10 am »
Well stated @roamer_1 .  I don't agree with everything Rand says, but right now I'm scratching my head to remember what that disagreement was.

I'll tell you what that (bleep) said.

When he was on the debate stage for one of his many failed attempts to get a couple of delegates for the RNC national convention, the question of the USS Cole came up.

Mr. Libertarian blamed the United States and the crew of the USS Cole for the terrorist attack on the Cole that murdered 17 sailors and injured another 39, putting a United States warship out of commission for almost a year.   The USS Cole was refueling in a friendly port.

The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #239 on: June 11, 2021, 01:19:47 am »
I'll tell you what that (bleep) said.

When he was on the debate stage for one of his many failed attempts to get a couple of delegates for the RNC national convention, the question of the USS Cole came up.

Mr. Libertarian blamed the United States and the crew of the USS Cole for the terrorist attack on the Cole that murdered 17 sailors and injured another 39, putting a United States warship out of commission for almost a year.   The USS Cole was refueling in a friendly port.

Sounds more like Ron Paul, not Rand.  :shrug:
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Offline Sled Dog

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #240 on: June 11, 2021, 01:21:48 am »
Sounds more like Ron Paul, not Rand.  :shrug:

The original post in this sub-thread was:

@Sled Dog

Ron Paul was never ANY type of conservative,and AFAIK,never even CLAIMED to be a conservative. He was and is a Libertarian.

Ooops...that's not right.

THIS is where Ron Paul entered the discussion.   Sorry, everyone.

I was point-of-the-spear for the TEA party, from the very beginning, when it was still in Ron Paul's camp... All the way through.

Yet I won't lift a finger for y'all. You should really try to do that math.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2021, 01:23:50 am by Sled Dog »
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline roamer_1

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #241 on: June 11, 2021, 01:23:24 am »
Those sports stadium beavers sure work fast.    Goal posts just ZOOM farther way when some people are around.

No, the time in question has always been after Reagan. There has not been a political gain on anything since Reagan.

Thirty years of backsliding on Life.
Thirty years of backsliding on 2nd amendment except Cruz and the SCOTUS decision
Thirty years of backsliding on fiscal responsibility.
Thirty years backsliding on civil liberty,

Not a single win on principle, not a single thing steering rightward,

Maybe if those people with their Principles would stop sitting on their asses when elections came around, the Rodents would have more of a contest.   

I vote for every Conservative I can... I go right out of my way to do it. I even throw money at em. I would do more but i am currently physically incapable. But I would if I could... with gusto.
Maybe if you want more votes you should try Conservatism. That is what it is for.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #242 on: June 11, 2021, 01:26:58 am »
No, the time in question has always been after Reagan.

No, it hasn't been.

The time in question has always been the existence of the Democrat Party.

Like I said, smooth move.   Almost nobody noticed it.

My historical perspective is a historical perspective, not a short slice of my own life, selectively edited to win acclaim in the internet.

What you just tried to do is no different and, in fact, morally equivalent to the actions of the pathetic Global Warming conmen who want to claim the period of "warming" happened in 1800, not 1650 with the end of the Little Ice Age, or 10,000 BC, with the commencement of the Instadial Thaw or 1940, to avoid the hottest years in US history.

What you just tried to play is a standard act of deceitful marketing.   

And you want to miss the single most important achievement of the Trump Era.

Hillary was never Presidentess.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2021, 01:31:26 am by Sled Dog »
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #243 on: June 11, 2021, 01:28:12 am »
Those sports stadium beavers sure work fast.    Goal posts just ZOOM farther way when some people are around.

Lots of things I omitted.

I'm not writing dissertations here.

You mean the future Never Trumpers.

Who have "Principles".

Thanks because....

....all those lazy RINO republicans who can't be bothered to vote except in the Big elections, like Archie Bunker.

Maybe if those people with their Principles would stop sitting on their asses when elections came around, the Rodents would have more of a contest.   

I was mowing a father's lawn...and he came out of the house and said, "come on, time to vote in the local school election".

"but I'm busy".

And then I got The Look.

And all those Never Trumping Principled Conservative (TM) WINOs (Whiny Republicans in Name Only) are getting The Look from all those Americans that, the 75 Million, because voting is the most important task, a moral and patriotic DUTY, to the defense of the Republic.

We Americans don't like shirkers and goldbrickers.

You're right.  We're not seeing winning here.  We're seeing whining.

Hang in there, @Sled Dog

When I was a much younger man on the forums, I could go 'Howlin' on somebody with the best of them. (Ask @mystery-ak )

Don't have the patience or the inclination to care much anymore.   The thought that a debate is even happening makes me want to throw up.

But lately, I find myself asking "What would Howlin say?"    :laugh:
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Offline Sled Dog

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #244 on: June 11, 2021, 01:33:03 am »
Hang in there, @Sled Dog

When I was a much younger man on the forums, I could go 'Howlin' on somebody with the best of them. (Ask @mystery-ak )

Don't have the patience or the inclination to care much anymore.   The thought that a debate is even happening makes me want to throw up.

But lately, I find myself asking "What would Howlin say?"    :laugh:


I find the vigorous exercise keeps my memory sharper and my mind more alert.

I mean, it took me a few minutes to remember why Ron Paul so disgusts me, and now I remember.  It was his assinine comments about the USS Cole.   
« Last Edit: June 11, 2021, 01:34:21 am by Sled Dog »
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline roamer_1

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #245 on: June 11, 2021, 01:35:10 am »
No, it hasn't been.

The time in question has always been the existence of the Democrat Party.

Like I said, smooth move.   Almost nobody noticed it.

My historical perspective is a historical perspective, not a short slice of my own life, selectively edited to win acclaim in the internet.

No it has not. My contention has always been post Reagan. And rightly so. The last grand alignment toward Conservatism was Reagan. Your perspective has nothing to do with it. My declaration has always been 'the last thirty years' , roughly placed... From Reagan forward.

So it would be you moving goalposts.

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #246 on: June 11, 2021, 01:36:53 am »
No it has not.

Yes it has.

I think I know what time periods I'm talking about when I'm talking about time periods.

Why do you presume to know what time periods I'm talking about, just because they don't match the periods you want to hide from public view?

You tryin' to Hide the Decline?
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #247 on: June 11, 2021, 01:42:56 am »
I know how to stop the advancing Marxification of America.

Everyone stop voting!

That'll do it.

Won't it?
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline roamer_1

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #248 on: June 11, 2021, 01:43:33 am »
Yes it has.

I think I know what time periods I'm talking about when I'm talking about time periods.

Why do you presume to know what time periods I'm talking about, just because they don't match the periods you want to hide from public view?

You tryin' to Hide the Decline?

No. It was my declaration. I SAID IT. and I said nothing other than my offense at the Republican party since Reagan, and my disenchantment from Reagan to 07 when I left the Republican party.

I have ALWAYS said there has been no wins since Reagan. Thirty years. 90's, 00s, 10s... Don't be trying to tell me what I said. There are pages of it here, and I said the same thing all the way along.

And if I have said the whole thing all the way along, how the hell did I move the goalposts?
« Last Edit: June 11, 2021, 01:44:57 am by roamer_1 »

Offline roamer_1

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #249 on: June 11, 2021, 01:49:07 am »
I know how to stop the advancing Marxification of America.

Everyone stop voting!

That'll do it.

Won't it?

Who stopped voting? Not me. With the exception of the last election where I was disenfranchised, I don't think I missed a one. Might have during my convalescence.

I just don't vote for Liberal Republicans and Republicans just because they have an 'R' and call themselves 'conservative'... I actually vote for Conservatives. Only.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2021, 01:50:16 am by roamer_1 »