Author Topic: Texas election poses test of Trump's power over GOP  (Read 1564 times)

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Re: Texas election poses test of Trump's power over GOP
« Reply #25 on: May 02, 2021, 06:21:52 pm »
well thats revealing.

Not really.  Prairie has been smearing Trump and his supporters on TBR for literally years.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Offline Sled Dog

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Re: Texas election poses test of Trump's power over GOP
« Reply #26 on: May 02, 2021, 06:32:19 pm »
A reflection.
There are much larger issues and far more involved, given the current matters roiling our
nation, yet the "usual suspects" will eternally gravitate to their fave neurosis; POLITICS and
at the top of their list will always be someone like Trump; how predictable!!!
History's hustlers have always needed, yet found, willing devotees, in order to have their
way and the results have always been tragic.
Grigori Rasputin comes to mind, who mesmerized the Czarina, accelerating the end of the
Romanov Dynasty, their execution and the transformation of Russia into a Marxist Dictatorship
which inflicted at least 50,000,000 deaths among Mankind over the last century.
Consider a moment. We chose Jefferson, Madison and Monroe among our first 5 Leaders.
Now compare any of them to our last 5!

Okay.  Last five "leaders", eh?

That's Trump, Kenyan Marxist, Misunderestimated Shrub, Rapist, Tax Cheat Shrub.

Well, the Tax Cheat Shrub's main focus was to undo the pro-America actions of the previous president, the Gipper, who was clearly the best president of the 20th Century, and at the time probably the third best president in US history.   But back to the Tax Cheat Shrub.   He openly violated major campaign promises...JUST WHEN Reagan's policies had put them in the cross hairs.   He's a traitor.   Didn't even have the sense to fill in the power vacuum that was bound to occur when Reagan's policies collapsed the Evil Empire.

Then there was a the Rapist.   The only reason we don't have a more corrupt president in the history of the White House was because Donald J Trump kept the Hillary Beastie, the Rapist's Enabler, out.   The SOLE goal of the Rapist was to take bribe money, and this may or may not have been secondary to keeping his dick wet.   The Rapist sold MIRV technology to China, locked up good sulfur-free coal on the Escalante Staircase by making it some kind of monument, after taking money from Indonesians.  He enabled Obama Sin Laden's attacks on 9-11-2001.   His list of corruption is far too long.

Then there was the Shrubbery. By declaring his dumb-ass to be a "compassionate conservative" he confessed he was no conservative at all.   He was much more interested in expanding the number of illegal aliens in the US than protecting Americans and their jobs.   He made no effort to exterminate the Taliban.   He was happy to let the media's lie about the absence of WMD in Iraq to stand.   He did nothing to punish Iran for killing Americans in Iraq.  And he was silent, totally silent, about the offenses of the Kenyan Gay Marxist's assault on the Constitution.   And worst of all, he gave us Justice Roberts.

What positive things can be said about the Kenyan Gay Marxist Illegal Alien Traitor Muslim that is serving his third term now?   Nothing at all.

But Trump.  A true American, devoted to the principal all Americans hold dear, that America is not only the greatest nation in the history of the world, but that the job of the president is to place the interests of America and the American people before any and all other considerations.   He restricted the flow of new Democrats into the United States by building a wall and deporting criminals.  ALL illegal aliens are criminals, of course.   He told the Euroweenie leaders to pay their NATO dues.  He told that fat hag ruining Germany to stop trying to buy Putin's gas and support the West, or else.

Did Trump do one or two things wrong?  Yup.  He should have fired Sessions the day Sessions "recused" himself from the bogus Russia Game.   He should have continued firing Attorney's General until he finally found one that would fight to uphold the law, like Lincoln had to do with generals that wouldn't fight.   That was probably his biggest mistake.   

But clearly Trump is the best president of the 21st century.   It's quite possible that he's an even greater president than Reagan.  Hard to say at the present time, since Trump has been largely ineffective during his Second Term.  But his Third Term is promising to be Amazing!
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: Texas election poses test of Trump's power over GOP
« Reply #27 on: May 02, 2021, 06:44:56 pm »
Fair enough, as it's an opinion Forum, all are entitled; yet a few rejoinders.
* Trump conjures up the Charlatan which reminded me of Rasputin. Nothing more.

Trump won two presidential elections, was denied the support of his own party during the first and was completely defrauded on the second.

How does that remind any sane person about Rasputin?  Or are you merely afraid that like Rasputin, Trump isn't dead yet and wants to go for another walk around the Rose Garden?

* Nothing negative about being a devotee, as long as one's principles are virtuous.

So you're saying that the people that voted for Trump are True Americans and most devoutly virtuous, unlike those vicious Never Trumping Traitor Slimes that grow best on turds and compost heaps?

In essence, MAGA is driven by politics, the very last ism plain people need, given
the turmoil raging across our nation; in my judgement.

So you're opposed to making America great again, you support making America dead. 


How does one oppose the Brown Shirts if they're not allowed to voice their support for the greatest nation in the history of the world?   Do you understand how the Weimar Republic fell or even what it was?

* As for Trump's "conservatism" doubt he can even spell the word.

Yes, we clearly would have been better off with Hillary's kind of conservatism.   She never let the drops in the bottom of the bottle got to waste.

* As for our Founders, subconsciously they understood that our Heritage/Legacy
was birthed by Great Britain; despite our fight for independence; a point of history
Russell Kirk made often.

"Subconsciously"?   The Founders were acutely aware of the cultural heritage the Brits gave us, and worked hard, with all their genius, to improve upon it.   And they improved mightily, with only few errors in the Constitution they wrought.

* My rejection of Trump is not driven by hatred, rather it's contempt for the plain
and simple reason that at his core Trump is little more that another political
hustler, as are all politicians.

Compared to the Noble Jeb!.  Please clap!  Please.

History accurately labels Greece and Rome as Birth Fathers of Western Civilization.
While they accepted different forms of governance during their 1,200 years of Rule,
both the Greek Assembly and the Roman Senate represented the essence of their governance. As such attitudes, behaviors, impulses and sentiments were enforced
and those ignoring these rules were shown the door.
The embarrassments we call leaders wouldn't even get in the door of the Athenian
Assembly or Roman Senate!

All it took to be a Senator in Rome or Greece was wealth.

All it took to get wealth in Rome or Greece was having the skill to be born in the right family and having the right connections.

America's founding geniuses moved us past that.    Various factions in the US want to return to the era of nepotism.   This includes the Bush Crime Family, the heirs to the Kennedy Bootlegging Fortune, the Clinton Mafia, and even the media.   Trump...wasn't part of any of those clans, and thus was rejected outright, and too many fools were and are opposed to Trump merely because he's an American first.  All the NT idiots are like that.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Absalom

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Re: Texas election poses test of Trump's power over GOP
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2021, 08:59:43 pm »
What's sad is that you get so much right in your review of historical precedent...and so much wrong on your application of modern analogies. Yes...the FF's were devotees of the British/Western enlightenment particular Rousseau, Locke and the economics of Adam Smith. Yes...we are direct descendants of the "intended and defined" principles of Greek democracy and Roman Republicanism...they bequeathed the very concepts of open and rational debate and the need for free men to speak openly their thoughts. Like them, we often fall short of our own aspirations...but aspirations matter nonetheless as they set a template for future generations. Your primary failing is that you romanticize The Republic and especially Athenian democracy...their major fault being the vicissitudes of demagogic reaction to the tides of passion and emotion (executing general's who were competent yet failed to win a battle or conflict-exiling members over personal feuds-etcetera).

So I would argue this...our leaders today are EXACTLY like the members of the Athenian Assembly...egotistical, careening wildly to win public favor, making dirty backroom deals, dishonest and credulous when its suits their desired outcomes, quick to betray allies and politically crush opponents in corrupt and unfair ways. In some ways we are living Athenian democracy...the very reason we formed a Republic was to temper such emotional, corrupt and demagogic swings of sentiment...and yet we are constantly on that roller coaster. Even as a Republic, we echo the failings of like Steve Scalise shot down in cold blood no less than the Grachii were chased and murdered at the direction of the Senate (albeit covertly in the case of Scalise through Dems like Maxine Waters who called for "get in their face and pursue them everywhere" tactics).
If you want an analogy for President Trump, the Grachii are it (though a case could also be made for a Julius Caesar analogy). The Grachii both attempted great reform in favor of the working class...and yes, with a motive of political self interest accompanying any altruistic reshape the power structure underpinning the "elites" (what we today call the Establishment...which bridges both parties as it did in Rome (wealthy and powerful Patricians and Plebeians alike).Trump has earned the hatred of our present day Patricians and Plebeians...loosely analogous to GOP/ threatening the Establishment structure that elevates both. And yet, like the Grachii...and Caesar at times...Trump has striven to crush that Establishment and restore some sense that it is the body of the people (Rome's Assembly) to whom all in governance owe their obeisance.
Sad you're sad, yet fair comments.
Nevertheless your conflation of British Philosophers, such as George Berkeley, David Hume 
and John Locke w/the likes of French Enlightenment Radicals, among them, Rousseau,
St. Juste and Voltaire, is improper and absurd.
English Empiricists had their issues w/both Crown and Parliament, yet overthrow and replacement was never part of their agenda.
In contrast, the likes of Rousseau, a festering radical, embraced the nostrum that,
"Betterment in Man's physical condition was a noble and virtuous calling", one of the most
pernicious ideas ever birthed and for which we continue to pay the price.
The agenda of Rousseau and his 'fellow travelers' was to upend French (and European) culture/society by appealing to Material Betterment as a source of achievement/pride for
Man, in the process pushing aside his Spiritual Sensibilities as his primary source of well being and virtue.
Following the demise of the French Monarchy, Marxist Ideas soon dawned along side
Socialism and the rest of the Progressive Agenda. Since then, Materialism never looked back!
What has been the impact of this sea change on Man over the past 300 years???
One measure are the Ideas he produces be it in the form of Architecture, Literature,
Philosophy, Science; among many powerful disciplines.
So, suggest one compare and contrast that produced before and after 1725
As for romanticizing Athenian Governance, no need, as Pericles spoke for me very long ago.
Further, Julius Caesar's name does not belong in any commentary mentioning either
Trump the Buffoon or that horses ass, Maxine Waters, even if it's longer than the Bible!

« Last Edit: May 03, 2021, 02:33:39 pm by Absalom »

Offline IsailedawayfromFR

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Re: Texas election poses test of Trump's power over GOP
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2021, 09:18:22 pm »
This is not about control of the GOP.

This is about embracing the conservative movement, exemplified by Trump, DeSantis, Cruz, Kennedy, Paul and Jordan.

If the establishment does not get behind the conservative movement, it will get rolled over as a conservative third party will take control by these people and the GOP party will be reduced into a historical footnote ala Whigs.
No punishment, in my opinion, is too great, for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin~  George Washington

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Re: Texas election poses test of Trump's power over GOP
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2021, 09:24:25 pm »
This is not about control of the GOP.

This is about embracing the conservative movement, exemplified by Trump, DeSantis, Cruz, Kennedy, Paul and Jordan.

If the establishment does not get behind the conservative movement, it will get rolled over as a conservative third party will take control by these people and the GOP party will be reduced into a historical footnote ala Whigs.

The GOP is nothing more than a fine instrument that I intend to play like a fiddle.  They are not my friend, but my goal is to break them and make them toe OUR line for a change.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Re: Texas election poses test of Trump's power over GOP
« Reply #31 on: May 02, 2021, 10:00:30 pm »
Texas Sends Message: Voters Advance Two Republicans, No Democrats to Special Election Runoff
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Offline IsailedawayfromFR

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Re: Texas election poses test of Trump's power over GOP
« Reply #32 on: May 03, 2021, 12:01:52 am »
The GOP is nothing more than a fine instrument that I intend to play like a fiddle.  They are not my friend, but my goal is to break them and make them toe OUR line for a change.
No punishment, in my opinion, is too great, for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin~  George Washington

Offline goatprairie

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Re: Texas election poses test of Trump's power over GOP
« Reply #33 on: May 03, 2021, 01:29:00 pm »
This is not about control of the GOP.

This is about embracing the conservative movement, exemplified by Trump, DeSantis, Cruz, Kennedy, Paul and Jordan.

If the establishment does not get behind the conservative movement, it will get rolled over as a conservative third party will take control by these people and the GOP party will be reduced into a historical footnote ala Whigs.
Some of those candidates are viable. Especially DeSantis. Trump isn't. He is an albatross around the necks of the GOP.

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Re: Texas election poses test of Trump's power over GOP
« Reply #34 on: May 03, 2021, 01:55:53 pm »
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Re: Texas election poses test of Trump's power over GOP
« Reply #35 on: May 03, 2021, 09:23:59 pm »
Scalise on Texas Special Election: ‘The Country Is Rejecting Socialism’
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Re: Texas election poses test of Trump's power over GOP
« Reply #36 on: May 03, 2021, 09:25:39 pm »
Never Trump Candidate Backed by Kinzinger, Cheney Sees Embarrassing 9th Place Loss in Texas Special Election
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